

The Role of Atmanirbhar Bharat in Empowering Citizens and Safeguarding Society from External Threats: The Crucial Role of Loyalty and Bravery.
Security is not as we perceive it. Everything is interlinked, from agriculture, to manufacturing, to services, to technology, to energy, to finance, to construction, to transportation and logistics, to telecommunication, to healthcare, to education, to tourism and hospitality, to government and public administration, to real estate, to mining and quarrying, and to retail.

This reminds me of the fact that no one is spared until every citizen of Bharat wakes up to the threat of the “economic supply chain ecosystem.”.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict may look like a military war, but in reality, it’s an economic war. Thus, it’s not a war fought between the heads of the two states. It’s a war that has come to the doorstep of the common man.

Before I move on to the challenges that an Indian businessman is facing or will face, I would like to make you understand what “economy supply chain ecosystem” means.

“Economy supply chain ecosystem” refers to the interconnected network of entities, resources, and activities involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within an economy. It encompasses stakeholders from various industries that contribute to the flow of goods, services, and information across different stages of production and distribution.

The supply chain aspect focuses on the sequence of processes involved in bringing a product or service from raw materials to the end consumer.

The ecosystem emphasizes the interconnectedness and independence of different factors within the economic supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, consumers, regulatory bodies, and supporting infrastructure such as transportation networks and the financial system.

Thus, it’s a web of relationships, transactions, and dynamics that drive economic activity within a given context, shaping the flow of goods, services, and value across the economy.

Our citizens should know that, after the U.S., Russia is playing a major role in the supply chain of the weapon industry worldwide. Automotive is ruled by Germany; pharmaceuticals and food are ruled by the U.S.; fashion and construction are ruled by China.

My question is simple: where does India lie?

To serve its interests, the state needs to have strong control so that, collectively, with the loyal and brave efforts of every citizen who is playing a crucial role in creating national wealth, it can play an active role in this global game.

It proves that the concept of a global citizen is fake. Until the state is defined by its sovereignty, such concepts are nothing less than being in Lala Land.

At the end, what matters is the loyalty, bravery, and conscious approach that a citizen needs to take if he wants the narrative to fall in his nation’s interest, which eventually strengthens his interest too.

Key lessons that a nationalist businessman can derive from the economic supply chain ecosystem to enhance efficiency, competitiveness, and self-reliance.

1: Diversification of suppliers:

Relying on a single supplier or a limited number of suppliers can be risky. Diversifying the supply chain can reduce vulnerability to disruptions, ensuring a more resilient business operation.

2: Local Sourcing and Manufacturing:

Emphasizing local sourcing and manufacturing can help reduce dependency on imports, promote local industries, and create jobs. This aligns with the vision of self-reliance and economic nationalism, such as the “Atmanirbhar Bharat” initiative.

3: Investment in Technology:

Leveraging advanced technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain can improve supply chain efficiency, enhance transparency, and reduce costs. Automation and data analytics can also help in better demand forecasting and inventory management.

4: Sustainability Practices:

Implementing sustainable practices in the supply chain can lead to long-term benefits, including cost savings, improved brand reputation, and compliance with environmental regulations. Sustainability is becoming a crucial factor in global trade and consumer preference.

5: Agility and Flexibility:

Developing an agile and flexible supply chain allows businesses to quickly adapt to market changes and unexpected disruptions. This includes having contingency plans and being able to pivot operations as needed.

6: Building Strong Relationships:

Establishing strong relationships with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders can lead to better collaboration, trust, and mutual support. Long-term partnerships can provide stability and strategic advances.

7: Government Policies and Incentives:

Staying informed about and taking advantage of government policies, incentives, and support schemes can enhance business operations. These may include tax benefits, subsidies, and infrastructure support aimed at boosting local industries.

8: Risk Management:
Implementing comprehensive risk management strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in the supply chain is essential. This includes geopolitical risks, natural disasters, and market fluctuations. Apart from this, quality and standard compliance and cost optimization can also be done.

- Atul Tyagi
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