

The Life Story of Him
Even though, I asked him to send the the copy of the story his friend has written he didn't send me a reply for that, so I directly asked his friend to send me one copy. Though she was busy, she promised me to send the copy by night via email. I got an email from her at 10:50pm. For the next few minutes I couldn't hold back my tears . I got to read so many things he hasn't talked about, he told me that once he left the house after a fight with his mom but I didn't know that it was for his lover. I couldn't think of him leaving his parents for a girl because I knew how important they are for him. Yesterday during our call he said that he wants to die with his parents as he cannot think of a world without them. I have never doubted his love for his parents besides that is the only reason why I got attracted to this guy. But I didn't know that he would go to that extent for the girl he loved. How could she leave such a guy?
I felt a reasonable regret for compelling him to give a reply. I am sure that If I had received the writing a day before, I wouldn't have asked him for a chance. I cannot expect him to accept me just within a month.. never..not even after going through the worst phase of his life. I messaged him in the next moment and almost an hour later i got the reply saying "It's nothing like that". I didn't feel like asking more about his past, apparently that would hurt him more. I re-read our old conversations and I wanted to get back that same friendship I had with him ( it's not like we are not friends anymore). I wish if he could talk to me about his crazy drunken nights, his friends, family - having all these in mind I dug out an old picture of him from Fb and asked him about his beard and the picture, to restart a silly conversation but nothing happened. As usual I waited for a long time and no reply came.

(will continue tomorrow..)
