

lie no more...
"You fed me lie after lie as if I were sitting right infront of you holding out a plate begging to be fed. I was so young and you took full advantage of me knowing that I would believe your every word for you were my father. I defended you for as long as I can remember. When they called you a liar a thief, I still stood up for you. I had such high hopes, such beliefs that whatever you said would come out true. I shut out all those whose mouths had something ill to say of you. I shut them out in such a way as if I were a steel door, not even budging for the strongest man. And here you are...." I ran out of the door without saying anything else. I could not stop but to compare my state off mind with the night. I was only feeling one emotion the feeling of betrayal. How could he? With every thought I walked faster as I stuffed my hands into my pocket, fished out some earphones and pushed them into my ears. Music pours out sounding like the most beautiful noise I had ever heard. I turned it up shutting out the whole world around me and I just....let go
Before I realised it I was running not on the road but into the forest not paying much attention to where I was going. I emerged out of the spiral of thoughts that were keeping me captive and fell to my knees. I knew where I was, I had been here so many times in my childhood it felt nice to be back. I remembered coming here with my brother many times but now he was lying beside my mother under the sand in the cemetery.
Now who was there to care for me, to be troubled about me, to protect me?