

Stopwatch !!!
Once again we have a stopwatch ON due to Covid outbreak. But I wonder this stopwatch is exactly going stop what all things.
for some their work is stop,
for some their fun parties are on stop,
for some they have to migrate to their routes,
for some staying in home is feeling of cursed,
for some stepping out to earn bread and butter was important which is stop,
for some staying at home with no work gets them on negative trip,
for some staying away from their dear ones is feeling of loneliness.

This stopwatch has many faces.But irony is our faces are nowadays covered with mask.

My simple question is
" Face is covered with mask but our dreams aren't, isn't it ? "
"Face is covered with mask but our positive thoughts aren't, isn't it ? "
"Face is covered with mask but our plans before we came in our shell those dreams still wants ur effort to make it happen, isn't it? "
"Face is covered with mask but that partner with whom you loved spending time still you can have that time by calling them, isn't it ?"

When you see this world closely it has always been like this destruction reforms the world.
Similarly, we have lost so many important things due to this covid but should we stop chasing our dreams because of it.

No way we should not stop at all. This time has given big time lesson that we have less time on this planet start chasing dream and live that dream.
Help others too while you are chasing your own dream. You never know may that individual whom you helped has some contacts which are related to your dreams and can get you achieve your dream in lesser time.

Start having healthy relationship with your partner as they would need more emotional angle then your crave of physical relationship.
Respect your partner and look for well being of relationship.

Let's be positive.

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