

Beside You God !!!
Knowing star conduct new nutrient snarting worst failure she is gone I am here I sit alone and scented you beside serenity once under water pressure spoken I fiction kindle mine as you own from own you too eating to eating too life certified own begging good before evil, Giving AM knowing from we PM, You raised, I knowing serenity one raised certified here I be staying Commanding %100 life too you to nice take your too own as forever seen through 6 months was friction god 1 year too the end to you 6 knowing months to a whole anew than wow not existing?(!!!), 'Two resting child serenity one', I addictive much less my name is RMC ' I love you beginning I await at your belly dear kind god send me to me king of me whole being RMC serenity of %100 of me being beginning 18yo to serenity, too age from her age 87 to end 'with' or (with you together) was never lost. God finding home to response as emc rescue us I say the ending no knowing no hunger on hunger driven me mine stance 'I love you' (I hugged you) (last one of me is you sanctum) Son!!! I work through 6 months then than it saying one full 1year mummbles (yes) included 5 year's 1/2 average of today calendar on where I am saying 6 months is a year for me my story whole years ago 2015 own you seeing 10 year's age from January-September mother love age numerous effort I love you discovery, upon, Me MoM knowing serenity being own on life it is mine,😍 mine to is one fiction 1 year beginning whole of 6 months I embedded helping then, God this to too you to I love you too to all than, Me knowing in own all it upon 6 month to RMC questioned %100 defense I remember you from this knowing we are we will be to AM sorry for serenity you an you to y'all, your life as if me you strong as well now nice above too to rmc he to begin me painless !!! I hear you so never know it was good or evil surely die it was upon life existment, than dead taste to be normal mostly from happy b-day being everyday you was exist hidden, it was seemed under heaven I love you:MOM ENJOY (!!!) Kisses Remembering I am God (I love you) Alone: RMC wwwgodcom