

In love with a werewolf ( he owns me)
The day finally came, the worse day of my life, my wedding day. It sounds crazy but this was supposed to be the best day of my life.
Being a princess, I never had the chance to search for a man I love, my parents had to marry me off to someone rumored to be a beast, Even the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. Different questions kept running through my mind, questions like---how will I hope?, who knows what awaits me in that castle?
All these questions made me forget that I was done with my dressing, some of my handmaids arranged my hair while the rest adorned me with jewelries, moments later I was led to the wedding hall .........
"Corrine, do you think I can really get married like this?" I asked one of the maids besides me
She felt sorry for me
"Your majesty, it's just best that you follow your parents orders"
"All my life, I've been following orders, can't I make a decision for myself, at least for once?"
"You will, when the time comes"
I decided to end the conversation because she couldn't possibly help me in this situation
The wedding hall was beautifully decorated, the people were all waiting for me to arrive.
According to tradition, the new couple aren't supposed to stay long at their wedding party as the people feel that they had more important things to attend to, other than a mere party.
I sighed, taking a deep breath before the Golden doors opened and I stepped in........

More coming up🤗🤗
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love y'all💖

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