

Immortals: Gate of Earth part 5
As I began to tell Muggog what he had done I felt like someone was watching me. The cloaked man had shown up again to let me know I changed the past but still havent saved myself from the fate I been given. Then I relized I was back in Pralish again.
I now find myself seeing amber shaped figures in the distance. They were the size of giants and made of crystal just walking around Pralish as though they had been there all along but I dont remember seeing them the last time i was here.
I now started walking towards the next gate witch is from what I remember is fire. I then noticed the people here were once alive. They are now stuck in this place for the only time of penance is the next time they will be released by the gates..
After some time traveling I found myself infront of the gate of fire and stairing at the emblem on the gate of fire and a sign of wrath inside it. The gate started to open letting flames all around me as I passed through to a place of multin magma and heat.