

Apt 56
My name is Mike Landry I live with my mom on the Great lion apartment I've lived here for almost ten years and counting. We live on apt 56. there's a lot of kids here in the complex but no one wants to play with me there afraid because I live in the apt 56 where two people died a while back so they think I'm being chased by a ghost or something. Everytime me and my mom go down the stairs we here our neighbors talking how they hear noises coming out of apt 56 and how they hear people walking or the TV on but my mom and I never do we live so In peace there. Sometimes when I'm on the window of my apt i see the people passing by like afraid to look to my window. I feel bad for the people but my mom don't let me talk to them to let them know we are good people and that our apt is not haunted it's sad how lonely I am sometimes!! To be honest I don't really remember what the story is that happened here in this apt I was like 8 when that happened it was something about a single mom and her kid lived here and the mom one night after popping pills and drinking out her sour killed her kid with a knife stabbing him on the head and later Killin herself by cutting her veins. Oh now I remember that explains my scar on my head I mean I Know I'm dead but I still want to play with my neighbors.