

It Shouldn't Be Like This
"Racism hasn't gotten Worse,
It's just being Filmed." - Will Smith

As a human being, I am ashamed of those who view other humans as the enemy based on the color of their skin.

As a human being, it pains me that innocent people have to die to save the ass of a coward.

As a human being, it kills me that people will look the other way, shrug their shoulders, and relinquish themselves of any responsibility...just cause "it wasn't me".

I understand the anger. As human beings, we have all been held down, beaten, abused, neglected, and prevented from being our true selves. ...more so than others.

But please, PLEASE, Remember to Love. Don't let anything snuff out your light. The world needs it.

The only way to change things is to face them. I heard that today.
White people need to pay attention and take a stand for our black friends and family. Stop Pretending this isn't a Real Issue.
Black people need to keep fighting, but in Positive Ways because the enemy will always provoke violence and turn the tables on you. You have to be STRONGER than "them".

Who am I to be saying this?
I've got so many races running through my blood that I no longer classify as one race. I'm just not. I'm mixed with a lot. Add my children into that with their half-black father, and we just about touch every continent of ethnicity.

We Are Human and we are all Worthy of Love and a Peaceful Life.
But WE have to be the ones to take the right steps.
WE have to be the ones who are willing to Change Within.

Life shouldn't be like this.
I sincerely pray to the Universe that these ignorant murderers get what they deserve. And may ALL of the tragic losses of life through racial profiling finally come to an end.

May the Gods hold those Innocent Souls who have been taken from us Close and may their souls, and Family, find Peace through Justice. ⚖️♥️🙏✨