

Social beings,men express their nature by creating or recreating an organization which guides and controls their behavior. Sociaty is a web of social relationship which is always changing or it can be described as changing pattern of social relationship. Social relationship means that which exist only where Social beings behave towards one another in ways determined by their recognition of one another. Not only are the family relations of man and woman with each other different from their relation to other things, but also their attitude to each other is not similar. In other words the nature of the relation of Man to woman is different from that of woman to man,though they both attract each other, but unlike the non- living bodies, in this case, the smaller body pills the larger body to itself. Man has been created as manifestation of longing, love and pursuit, and woman as manifestation of love ability and desirability. The feelings of the two are of different kinds. one seeks and the other wishes.
The temparaments of man,and woman have been so ordained, with the definite purpose of making the union between husband and wife firm and deep and to enable both of them to enjoy their life better. Infact, the foundation of human society and upbringing of the future generations has been laid of this very Union.
It is often observed that (1)All women are interested in working under the supervision of someone else. They like to work as subordinate rather than as a boss.(2) All women want to feel that their existence is effective and is required. Likewise women are led by emotions and men by reason. Women are not only equal to men in intelligence,but sometimes are even superior to them. Their only weak point is that they are too emotional. Men's thinking is always more practical. They judge better,they are better organizers and better directors. The superiority of the spirit of men to that of women is a thing which has been designed by nature itself. Whatever women may do to counter this facts will be of no avail. Women should accept this reality that, as they are too sensitive, they need men's supervision in their lives. The biggest aim of woman's life is to ensure, her future. Once she achieves , she is afraid of taking risk. Fear is the sentiment, to overcome which women needs man's help. All jobs which requires constant thinking are boring to her.
There are three problems to e which some women are prone,and have suffered from all their lives, but probably which because of their nature,they have repressed, example; Forced into forgetfulness. one of these problems is sex hunger or sensual deprivation. Another is the need for revenge, and the third is the forbidden urge towards exhibitionism. If these hungers or problems, originated in infant years, have been forcefully forgotten because they were intolerable to conscious memory, the repressed problems tend to find substitute expression.
I would like to give one example about a young beautiful married woman I had known some years back came in distress to tell me that she had indeed fallen to this temptation and had been apprehended and was to face the court of law. She was no criminal but for reason she had became the victim of kletomanic tendency to snatched things that were of no value to her.This usually happened at the time she had sexual frustration with her husband.***