

my life
My name is Leah Cora Ashley Sangster. I was born on Tuesday, January 6, 1987 at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. My mother's name is Iris Elsie Sangster. My father is Anthony Keith Radcliffe. At that point I only had two older sisters. One of them was my half-sister. Her name is Amanda Lindstrom. My other sister, Jasmine Dama Charmaine Sangster. We were only one year apart. My father had twin sisters Charlotte and Charlene Radcliffe. My favorite aunt Charlotte at the time had a daughter named Raven. I loved that her birthday was the day after mine and she was only a few years away. My Aunt Charlene had two boys the same age as me and her sister. Jonathan and Jeffrey. Her father was Uncle Jesse Ford Wheeler. Now that I think about it, he was the coolest guy ever. My nana Lorraine and her father Gus have always been in my life from an early age. My other favorite thing was that everyone loved Uncle Gordon. Besides, no one seemed to like Uncle Jerry. Uncle Ray's Fear
Us with his hook arm. Before I could remember, he lost his arm to camother had three siblings named Bethel Sangster. Sangster was also her godfather. That's the best. Although he passed away when I was young, I have some fond memories of him. He had a son named Ryan and two daughters named Sam and Nakita. My uncle Chris had several children, but I only met one. His name was Nick. My Uncle Cheyenne had a little girl named Balinda.
Aàà!and a little Cheyenne. First of all, I would like to mention that in April she had two girls, Dama and Darcia, and a son, Damien. Then Aunt Roseanne had a cousin, Dallas, who was about the same age as me and her sister. Then there was Tracy, and she had a girl named Shanann and a boy named Cody. Next is my favorite aunt or her maternal relatives. My Aunt Goldie (DeeDee)
ppp,x,,,,,,,xxThese are the most important people in my memory before my life turned into a nightmare. I remember the first place I lived. It was mainly me, my father, and my sister who lived there. We lived in her four-story apartment not far from my grandmother. My grandmother thought she loved the world. Anyway, I remember sneaking out of the house when I was three or four years old and running to my grandmother between probably three and six in the morning. This caused my father to panic in the morning and almost have a heart attack. My father worked as a bouncer and after a fight that nearly killed him, his throat was cut, but he was lucky to survive. In any case, one of the few good memories I have with my mother is from when we lived there. The first time was when her mother came home from a bar wearing a red dress and I thought she was very beautiful. She took me in her arms and danced to the song "There's a Year in a Beer" until I fell asleep and then put me to bed for the night. The second time was when the Klondike Days fireworks started one evening as we were getting ready for a bath. So she wrapped us in towels and rushed to the corner of the block so she could see us, but in her rush to get out she forgot that the water was running. I remember once falling in love with this boy. So I hid his coat because I thought he wouldn't be able to go home right after he got home from school. It was winter and it was cold, and when she realized it, she made me walk up and down in front of the house wearing only a bathing suit, and she sat by the window and laughed, and my father stood next to her and did not stop. . She added excessive amounts of pepper and hot sauce to her meals and made me eat everything in silence. Even now, I can't eat spicy food or pepper. Or she would make me stand in a corner all night, and if she found me sleeping or leaning against the wall for support, she would use a
Water bottle and spray me". I had this Princess Jasmine doll that I really loved. She took it from me and offered it to our garage sale to be mean. Her only daughter bought it back and said it was hers.

Her son also sexually exploited me. She was forced to wash dishes in boiling water with blistered hands, and she hit me over the head with her cup because I didn't scrub her cup enough and her soap residue was still on it. I remember that. I still have the scars. I also have a scar on my eyebrow from trying to get her out of the corner of the wardrobe.
I was locked in an underground cement storage room while my father, sister, and their children went to the reservation. While the electricity was out all weekend, I only had a bucket to pee in, a loaf of bread, and nothing else. Memories of when, on holidays, I was forced to remain upstairs alone while everyone else was downstairs playing or enjoying a meal, and other children were forbidden from even talking to me. It was fun to make. She took my shoes away once and she said she couldn't go to Klondike Day, the summer festival, with them because I lost hers. I felt so alone, unloved, and lost, but no one seemed to care or notice. I finally had a chance to escape the nightmare one weekend when they went to the reservation instead of being left behind in a dark basement. She locked me in the basement break room with a bucket and bread as usual. I don't remember how I got out of that house. I think I just remember walking barefoot to my friend's father's house in the cold. All I really remember are people I knew a little bit about. He called the authorities. I was taken to my grandmother's house while they investigated. I remember having to stand and pose so the police could take pictures of my bruises and injuries. I was finally free and safe with the family that loved me.

I remember having to testify against her in court. He just wanted to be hugged by his father, but he was sitting behind my sister. I remember the judge telling him he could regain custody of her if he stayed away from her for a year. I waited all year for him and his sister to come home. to my family. Years later, it turns out that he spent that time saving his money to save her. Her sister went to school, but there was no cereal in her house, so she had to beg for milk. I was devastated and devastated. I think that hurt more than the years of abuse I suffered at the hands of this woman. I already felt unloved and unwanted. I remember coming home from school and being told that her grandmother could no longer take care of me and that I had been put into the system. It will be thrown away again as if nothing happened. I ended up at this Forster house. My adoptive mother was not a very nice woman. She remembers ordering food for herself at a fast food drive-thru and watching her eat it right in front of me. She used the clothing coupons she got for me to buy ugly clothes and used the rest for herself. Every time a social worker came to visit, they made sure I stayed away from the house. She was just Donna, but she wasn't that cruel.
She was finally moved to her final foster home. Her mother was an incredibly strong creature. I was told this was my spirit animal, but I never believed it. local woman. My adoptive father and I became very close. He wasn't as warm and loving as she was, but at the same time he was too, if that makes any sense. Anyway, we got together and I still love them. Without them, I don't think half of my ideas would have worked out. The first month I was there they took me and my foster sister on a trip to Jasper Park Lodge. It was my first time leaving the Edmonton area. I didn't stay at home long because the truth felt good and I ended up sabotaging it. So I was placed in a group home.That's when I reached out to my mom and her family and learned that she had moved on and started a whole new family and was actually the current mother of my younger brothers. . It was heartbreaking to know that her sister was so helpful to me and her sister while she was staying with my brothers.
Not long after I started smoking, drinking weed, and drinking alcohol. At this point, I had only slept with two men. The man who took my virginity and my current boyfriend. But one night, my friend and I left the group home and ended up at my grandmother's house. I remember having sexual dreams, only to wake up and realize that I was a fool who sold my body for my sexuality. The youth welfare office no longer needed me. They asked me where to leave my luggage. So I said it was my mother's. No, I was 15 years old and sold my body on 118ave to support me and my mom's crack habit and to pay for food, excursions, and other expenses for my three younger brothers. Jesse James Cole Sangster was the oldest of the three, along with my sister Kelsey Angela Rose Cardinal. The children of the family were Cardinal Nathan Bethal Clark Sangster. Shortly after that I got pregnant. So now I'm 15 years old and pregnant. I don't know what to do. Finally, I allowed myself to be tied up one last time. I ended up having a really bad headache and I didn't realize how regularly I ended up taking Tylenol. I started throwing up and ended up on the Southside. I got money to take a taxi home to her mother. On the way home, I heard a little voice in my head telling me to get out of the hospital, but I knew that was exactly the amount I was carrying anyway. The doctor said that if I had gone home and slept as originally planned, I wouldn't have woken up in the middle of the night and my liver would have stopped working. I was placed in a shelter for underage sex workers. After being admitted to the Yellowhead Youth Center, I was placed in custody. Then I turned to my old foster parents and asked if they could take me back.

They said they would call me when they decided because they needed to discuss it. I waited nervously for her call. Finally they said yes. So I went back with them. I was determined to make it happen. my beautiful little girl. She was born on May 27, 2002 at the Royal Alex Hospital. We named her Summerrose Antoinette Sangster. She then changed to Schofield. Karen and Glenn had lived on the property for about 10 years and had never seen a moose on the property. The morning after bringing her daughter home from the hospital, her mother moose and her baby were less than 10 feet from the house. From then on, I strongly believed that the moose was my spiritual animal. About six months after she was born, I realized I was too young to give her the life she deserved. My adoptive mother, Karen, said she always wanted to have children of her own, but we didn't hear from her until she was a teenager. So just before Christmas, I decided to give her what she had always wanted. A child she raised from the time she was born. We planned to visit every other weekend. Things went well for a while, and we even planned a big adoption party in the hall to celebrate. It seemed to me that she was almost jealous of our connection, and of course Summer was too young to understand that connection. Then, less than a month ago, Karen told me she was ready to move to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. After that, I rarely saw them in the summer for many years. Karen told Summer about me when she was old enough to understand. She told it like it was her bedtime story. I was her belly's mama and she was her mama. So we became estranged and I hardly saw or spoke to her for the next 20 years.

When I was 18, I met my second baby daddy, Timothy Gordon Kelly. Many people did not approve of our relationship because he was the same age as my father. At first he said he would be back within 30 days. I couldn't hear anything, but I finally did. It was going in one ear and coming out the other. I learned a long time ago that men say a lot of things that they didn't want or didn't mean to do. Exactly 30 days later, he showed up at my mom's house looking for me, but I was attending the funeral of my best friend from high school and was nice to Karen as well. I called him when I got back and he came the next day and we went on a trip to light a joint. He ended up parking in front of this cute little house and getting out of the car. He was curious, so he asked who was here. He turned to me and said, ``If I want it, it's ours.'' But when we met, he was staying with one of our bosses, whom we hated. , it turns out he spent those 30 days arranging rent. Our eldest son was born on January 11, 2007 at Royal Alexandra Hospital. We called him Colton Michael Gordon Kelly.
Shortly after going on a weekend camping trip with his mother, ignoring calls from his mother while meeting with his mother's boyfriend and disappearing. When I finally got home, he was on the phone with the RCMP and was making a bunch of other phone calls, worried because he hadn't heard from me. A few months later I found out I was pregnant and not Tim's child. I told him the news and without question he accepted this child as his own. And so, on May 1, 2008, our son Hunter Ray Ewald Kelly was born. But our happy little family came to a tragic end on January 6, 2009. On my 22nd birthday, I learned that my eldest son had passed away that night. When I found him he was already cold and blue. Out of his maternal instinct or whatever, I avoided going into his room all morning. That was until our boy hunter finally woke up and I had no choice. I screamed for Tim. He was in front, shoveling the walks .He came running and later told me through my screams that he knew it was going to be bad. Although it was clearly too late, he still had a moth in his mouth, so he attempted CPR. It was as if his son knew his time was coming to an end, which is strange. Just like the night before, we probably had the best night as a family. I spent my time playing with the boys on the floor and making homemade fries in my new deep fryer. I later learned that he called his sister Amanda Kelly and her mother Aunt Cory. Finally, he called my Aunt Dee Dee. Then Aunt Dee Dee called me back and let me know that he was on my call. It was as if he was saying goodbye to the people who were most important to him in his short life.
Many of the next few months were a bit of a blur. But in my darkest moments, when I should have been sad, my children's happiness showed up. Tim had never had anything to do with them, but when they said they were there to help, he believed it. They argued that it was best for all of us for Hunter to stay with others until after the funeral so we could focus on grieving and planning the funeral. The funeral was held at Gongshaw. When I woke up, my then-stepfather Tim was across from me. My cousin and her boyfriend nearly knocked over a coffin while they were making out. Since the two men in both incidents are not family members and do not need to stay overnight, we decided that the day of the funeral should come. I was dressing for a funeral, and while I was gone, I told my mother that boyfriends were not welcome. When I returned to the church, to my horror, I saw several police cars and my family practically rioting in front of the church.

Finally the cops decided that any one with the last name Sangster had to leave. so my own family took all the food from church basement so I wasn't even able to have a lunch after the service. they took all the wreaths and tried taking the CD player 2 so Imy son wouldn't even have music during his suvuice. at this point the Minister stepped in reminding them the reason they were there to begin with, my son Colton. Both cops and Minister were in utter shock at the lack of respect being shown at my son's funeral by his own family. THey said in the 40 years they served as cop and Minister they never seen anything like it not even at a gang funeral. Pretty dad gang members have more respect then what was shown that day. While all this was going on I was outta my mind with Greig walking around with a stuffed puppy wearing one of his last outfits he wore. Even my Father and twin aunties left when they didn't have to. In the end I had no family there to support me in my toutghest time I would ever face in my life.