

Courage To Find Happiness (2)
The three of them resumed their journey.
Soon, they ran into a clown who was dancing naked in a field of thorny flowers. The emotionless princess asked, "why are you dancing with all your might knowing you'll be pricked by the thorns? " "I feel that this is the only way to make people look at me. But it hurts, and no one's looking at me." He answered. Then the Emotlonless Princess walked into the field of thorny flowers and started dancing with the clown. I am an empty can so I won't be hurt even if I get pricked by the thorns. When she began hopping and dancing, loud clanking noises echoed from her empty torso. And upon hearing those sounds, people began flock to where they were. The crowd watched their dance and applauded them.
© Omega*3