

The New Queen (a play for The story of Esther)
The curtain opens to king Ahasuerus in his throne room quietly talking to three princes in the middle of the room. Suddenly the king turns around and looks at his seven eunuchs.

“ Go and fetch queen Vashti , I wish to boast of her beauty to these three princes,” He gestures to the three people behind him.
“ Yes your majesty”

They exit to the other side of the stage where the queen sits in a chair looking in a mirror while some young women put makeup on her face.

“ My lady king Ahasuerus summons you.” “ Tell king Ahasuerus that I refuse to come if just to show my beauty.”

The seven eunuchs exit shaking their heads knowing what the king will do. Back at the throne room…..

Bowing on one knee before the king who is now sitting on the throne one of the seven speaks.

“ I am sorry my lord but queen Vashti refuses to come if only to...