

Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:

Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.

Exactly this is how it is meant to be. First let me discuss on what science tells me. Science tells me God must exist. Well if science is correct in saying it, it's because in everyday science we come across so many mysteries science tries to explore and tries to find answers. As science strides and not all strides are successful. Certain strides it takes a lifetime of a person to find something. Sometimes it it is successful and other times science leaves it for others to follow through. Let's say for example. In medicines science strives and strides to get answers, hope and help from nature to find cures for sicknesses and minor ailments. In return sometimes the scientist gets rewarded for finding the answers. In most cases it is not the same. There are so many new and old sicknesses without answers or treatment. Medicine strives to cure or alleviate the suffering. The rest is left with God. The church has full of people and proof that where science or medicine didn't come to help. Through prayers it has been received. People and patients have come out successful to have received cure for their illnesses where science and medicine didn't help. Whatever science tells me comes from experimenting. Whatever I get from God is by faith. So I see a limitation science puts on me, but it doesn't tell me God for sure exists. It just tells by saying God must exist me if I can trust in God then certain things science hasn't come up with answers it tells me to put trust in God. It also varies from person to person who tells me. Some people who trust in God can tell it to you. Those who don't trust in God can't tell you to trust in God. So whatever science has to tell me is it only tells me about it's limitations Godmust exist. However, you can hear from someone in your most difficult situations where you cannot find help from anyone in this world the words you hear can to a certain extent lessen your pain. You see a new picture of something or you hear it in your situation came to you as manna to a starving people. I can only show gratitude to such a person who tells me God must exist. I can conclude by saying that to a starving man, child or woman a kind word can open the path to one who is struggling in his or her life so she or he can now turn to that after all hope is lost. So far as knowledge and wisdom is concerned science guides me to show that God must exist in order to find hope and to have peace after everything is lost, but not forever. It shows me a path to find it. So far so good and science stops there inspiring new hope to trust in God and still something is still unexplored and it exists. It tells me saying that something supernatural, something beyond our understanding and comprehension God must exist in order to find a new hope and peace. It stops there and puts an end to our suffering and homelessness. It takes care of our homelessness and nakedness and clothes us with new clothes and a new home. This is also a providence of God to show us the first step to walk in hope and faith and we will find our suffering and sickness taken away from us.

My argument is that it is not by knowledge or wisdom we can find God. So whatever science was to tell me was not in faith, but what science has found by it's experiments and failures to give answers to everything that God must exist. But it is by faith and trusting in God our prayers are answered from God where science had failed to provide answers. As to my earlier argument a kind or encouraging word can show us the path which we don't see it ourselves. It came as manna from heaven to a starving people. Jesus taught us that by faith we can also expect miracles from him. Science doesn't quote the Bible or the scriptures. It teaches us from subject books taught in schools and universities. If we trust in God to help us, we must ask and pray in faith.

Science has shown me the first step. This takes me to my next argument my mind tells me I will never understand God. In order to understand God we cannot find anything directly that shows us that God exists. It doesn't teach us where and how God exists just as science says God must exists. Science doesn't talk about faith. It creates one imaginative step when there is no hope left. With this imaginative step I first create in my mind, I create an imaginative stairway and to do it I need faith which is about God which in my mind tells me I will never understand God. This is very true because science and faith are different which I don't want to confuse both are from the same stalk. Although to a believer everything in this world belongs to God. But, now I'm not in a situation to understand this in my anxiety, fear and hopelessness.

Jesus did all his teachings to his disciples in parables. This was how he taught to his disciples. So whoever came to him listened to him with rapt attention. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is his bride. So whoever came to him didn't never went empty handed. My mind is fixed in fear, anxiety and in my fear I'm lost. So the word comes to me as manna sent from heaven by God. I have to thirst for him in faith to get his love. This is what the Bible teaches for the believers to thirst for his love. By his love and grace I am able to find him which my mind will never understand which science explains by experiment and findings. It doesn't give me hope to find God in my desperate need. Science finds that God must exist. Providence helps me to seek and find him. During the lifetime of Jesus on earth he cured the sick, healed many and because of his resurrection he saved us from all sins. The Bible teaches the first man Adam brought sin into the world and Jesus saved us from sin. It is through constant prayer in places of worship in congregation and in silence that we find God in our fears and anxiety to save us. So the mind tells me that I will never understand God is true only on the surface if you have faith. When you pray you're conversing with God This can be as a prayer or hymn. You're in constant touch with God when you're in prayer. Your journey is in another road with God although both are same to a believer. We did our best with science because God wants us to do. We were created like him and he wants us to be like him. Just as Jesus was in this world. He is God in human form. He came from God born to human parents while on earth. Because of sin I'm not meant to God must exist and I will never understand leads to last and my final argument in this dialogue.

Just as I said earlier we can approach God only by faith and with all my heart. I will thirst to have faith. I am going to seek him that he will find me in my suffering. I will trust in him for saving me. I am not meant to understand him because I can think only as a human. I construct the road to walk with him. To talk to him. I can trust him as a friend, a teacher or a relative. For me he is everything. He is above everything that I cannot see with my own eyes. He will see for with his eyes and I know he will take care of me. This is faith. I have given everything in his hands now because no one can help me. I did everything I can. I didn't find anyone who could save me. My fears have changed to hope, my anxieties have turned into faith. I was once lost and he has found me.

I started to believe in the birth, life and resurrection of our Lord. This is my new me. To me Dan Brown is the physician and a scientist who has shown me the path. He has held a torch for me to see light at the end of the tunnel when all my hope was lost. I'm building my stairway by faith by believing everything I've said above. It is not for Dan to tell me to have faith. I started to trust in God and build a stairway for me by faith. I was in need for something which no one else was capable of giving. I put my foot forward and started walking. Because of my faith I understand he is an omnipotent God. God is able to do what no one else was able to do. Jesus has shown that he is strong and he is capable of everything. He brought back the dead to life. He healed the sick and his disciples also did miracles like him showing that they like Jesus were capable of anything. In order to receive Jesus into my life I have to thirst for his love. I started by believing in his birth, life and resurrection while on this earth. Just as the wise men I have to move away from people who tell me otherwise. So faith isn't experiment, atheism or anything that goes against God. I see God in all his creations. I can speak to him like a friend. I can go to him at anytime. I am not meant to understand him. Just as I am limited in my understanding, I'm not meant to understand him. He lives in me and he is always with me. By believing and trusting in him and having faith I know I will go to heaven and while I am here living in this world I will receive help where no one can help. When you can turn to no where turn to God. He is waiting always for you to help. My faith tells me that God can do everything. Trusting him at all times we will not run into difficulties or troubles. People in this world will give you trouble or they want to give you trouble. To some your pain will give them happiness. God will help you when you put your trust in him. Even though God is waiting for us it is for us to go to him when we're in good and bad times. God doesn't promise you to give you happiness. But, he will surely give you the strength to overcome your difficulties. With these few words I just want to conclude by saying trust in God for everything, at all times. Pray to him both during your bad days as well as good days. With God there are no bad days. All days are good with God. Whenever you lose hope or have fear trust and have faith in God to help you and save you and with this I am coming to the end. Have a good day!

© S. Francis Hector