

Him and Her (part 3)
"Elsie. Elsie Riverstone." Elsie whispered into the phone, trembling with her heart pounding.
On the other end, Brent Riverworth stood dumbfounded. He repeated "Elsie?"
"Yes, Yes it's me!" she said.
"Oh my god Elsie! I've missed you so much." he said, overjoyed.
But Elsie had a bone to pick with him. She gathered all of her courage and said "Why didn't you tell me Brent?"
"Umm what?"
"That you were going out of the country, let alone the continent?! "
Brent was nervous, but not because he had lied to her, but because of the reason he had lied. "Elsie.... how did you find out?"
"Never mind that. Tell me" she pressed.
Brent had to think on his feet. But he decided against lying to her once again. Elsie was more important. He couldn't lose her. "Elsie. Listen to me. I... couldnt. You'd find some way to convince me to stay. And I HAD to leave. And, well, you'd be upset, and I'd never want to see you sad."
Elsie processed this. So he lied to her.... just so he wouldnt see her sad? Okay.. but that was no proper reason.
"Brent Riverworth, you listen to me. I want it straight. Please, don't twist the facts, don't leave out anything, don't play with me. I've missed you so much. I've cried everyday, and stopped taking care of myself. I kept thinking I would get used to it, and I did, but only to the pain. I don't want to go through that again, because that takes the cake for being the worst year of my life. But I DO NOT want to lose you. So please, tell me."
Hearing that made tears well up in Brent's eyes. He had thought she would have forgotten, or atleast accepted that he was gone and made other friends. But this... hearing Elsie like that made him weak. How much he wished he could zip through the phone and give her a hug. But all he could do was this
"Elsie, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I thought you'd make other friends, better friends maybe, but I would never, ever hurt you. Okay, I'll tell you. You know that through out my childhood I've never been to good school. This was an opportunity to regain all the education I've missed out on. I didn't want it, but Rosalie just wanted to get rid of me so... here I am. But I'll be back soon. Before you know it, okay? "
That was the thing about Brent. He had a short temper, but when needed, he knew exactly what to say. Elsie listened and nodded, but their conversation was cut short. Brent ended by saying that he would talk to her later. And so she waited.