

what is true consent?
Have you ever been in a situation that you have been asked to do something or made to feel obliged to act on something but you dont want to?
How many times do women go to bars and drink irresponsible and find themselves being taken home by a guy they met that evening and got sexually active?
When is a womans consent to sex with another person actually given freely and truly consent?

Here I want to share what I have researched and thru my own experiences that what I thought was consent, really isnt!

Wether your married, dating or just met someone on a one night out, when a guy asks you if you want sex or touches you sexually and you dont want to, you have a right to say NO!
If a guy asks you for sex and you say 'No' but he still carrys on asking and trying to tempt or you feel pressured and you continue to say no, even if you say no politely and he still pressures you and after saying 'No' many more times that in one moment you feel obliged and you say 'Yes' because you have given in and fed up being asked over and over and you just want to shut him up and stop him asking you again because he wont listen to the word 'No' this still is not your consent and its sexual assault or rape! This is what many men dont know about and can land themselves in a very difficult situation with the law!
Consent means giving freely, not when your being forced or made to feel you have to have sex.
It dont matter if the person you say no to is your partner, husband or someone you met on a night out. No is No and your not giving consent.
Just because you said yes to going to the bedroom or to one persons home dont mean you said yes to having sex or even being sexually touched.
This means any sexual touching of the anal, vagina, breasts, giving oral and inserting into the vagina.

Remeber that consent is always reversible. if at anytime you change your mind about doing anything even if you have done it before or are both naked you can say 'No' and to stop. At this point you have not given further consent!

If you have said yes and consented to sex then after your not comfortable and want to stop you are entitled to say NO. You can change your mind at any time and if the other person dont stop when you ask then this is sexual assault or rape!

Also when someone is under the influence of alchole or drugs and says yes to sex, this still is not consent! Because you dont have the clear mentality to be able to make decisions freely. The other person can be liable for rape or sexual assault.

Understand what consent really means and it is to be given by yourself freely.

Only do what you want to do and comfortable with. Dont do what you feel your expected to do

If your partner says "NO" ( doesn't say anything or give and answer) then you dont have consent.

If your partner says "YES" but looks unsure or uncomfortable, again you dont have consent!

There are laws on who can and cant give
Consent also the law protects minors under the age of 18 from being pressured into sex with someone else of a much older age than them.