


CHAPTER TEN ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“–


"Daddy, we are ready" Tina shouted as she ran down the stairs.

"Ready for what? Are we going to see pinocchio in disneyland?" he asked.

"No dad, we are ready for school" Tina said as she giggled.

"This little piggy is giggling at me and that little piggy is........" Mr Callisto said as he held his waist, waiting for Tina's answer.

"coming downstairs" She completed as she saw Stephanie coming down the stairs.

"So can we go now?" she asked.

"Of course dear, but i just have to find my tie first. Now where did i put it?"

"Daddy, its on your neck, where it supposed to be" Tina said as Stephanie giggled.

"Oh right, lets get going then, cant keep two little piggies waiting" He said as they made their way for the car.

"Daddy! we are not piggies" Tina said.

"Yes, i must admit, I made a mistake in calling you two piggies"

"Yeah, you guys are piglets" he said as he smiled.

"Daddy!" she said as she wanted to hold him

"She wants to torture me. Somebody help" he shouted as he laughed, running towards his car.

"I will catch you daddy, come on Stephy" she said as she held her hand and ran with her, chasing her father (or should i say their father) to the car.

"I told you you couldn't catch me" He said as he opened the car and sat on the driver's seat.

" I agree, we are piglets dad, aren't we Stephy?" Tina asked

"I dunno" Stephanie answered as she giggled.

"Now you are talking".He said as he started the car

"But if we are piglets, then you are a certainly a pig because piglets don't come from a human father,but from a piggie father" she said as she laughed.

"Oh brother, ive had enough for one day" he said as he made a u-turn.

Meanwhile, Stephanie was lost in her own thoughts.

"I still dont know where or how to find Keira. I dunno what she looks like or whether she is alive or not. I just hope i find her in time before Zodar becomes worse. Spirits of the light please help me, i cant do this without you" she said as she prayed.

Tina, noticing Stephanie's quietness asked

"Is anything wrong Stephy?"

"No Tina, im just thinking about how school life will be"

"Oh! ok, dont worry, i got your back little sis" Tina said as she winked at her.

"Finally, we are here". He said as he parked the car.

"Come on sis" Tina said as she helped Stephanie out of the car

"Stephanie" Mr Callisto called

"Yes dad" she answered.

"I know adjusting to college could be so annoying but you just have to. You might make friends, but also enemies. Dont partake in any form of vice or wicked act.

"And that also applies to you Tina. You are my daughters and i love you both. Please dont enter into any form of trouble because i will be highly disappointed. Now promise me you two will be good girls.

"Promise dad" Tina said

"Promise father" Stephanie promised.

"Now can i get a hug?" He asked.

"Sure thing dad" Tina said as they both hugged their father.

"Bye girls, take care" Mr Callisto waved his daughters

"This place is so strange. Why is the building so tall? It might fall any moment" Stephanie said as she looked at the building.

"No silly, it supposed to be tall because lots of students school here, so lots of classrooms are needed for learning" Tina explained as they climbed the stairs.

"But what if the building falls on top of us?"

"It wont sis, trust me" She said as they walked to the noticeboard

"We have to find our lockers, and since we have the same surname, yours supposed to be close to mine"

"What's a locker?"

"Its a storage department for books and other stuffs. It has a lock" She said as they made their way to their lockers.

"Wow its lovely. I like it already" Stephanie said as she admired her locker.

"Who are those guys?" Stephanie asked as three boys came walking in the hallway.

"They are the green devils. Weird name right? The one at the middle is Kelvin. His father owns this college and he's rich as well. He's the cutest and the most handsome among the three

"The one at his right hand side is Leo. He's also rich, but a flirt

"The last one is Derrick. He's the most intelligent of the three but lives a carefree life" Tina said as Stephanie looked at them.

"They are handsome" she said as they watched girls trying to take selfie with the green devils

"Well, maybe, they aren't that bad" Tina said as she turned to her locker


Lilian held her books close to her chest as she climbed the stairs. She was excited, but nervous. She was lost in thoughts and in the process, collided with someone.

"You again?" Kelvin asked as he stared at her.

"Im so..rry" Lilian answered as she bowed her head.

"Are you new here?" he asked.

"Yes, i am" Lilian answered, tightening her grip on her books.

"Ill let this pass because you are new here. Now get the fucking hell out of my sight" He said as Lilian ran, not looking back once.

She went to the noticeboard to check the direction of her locker.

She then went to find it. Coincidentally, it was adjacent to Stephanie's and Tina's locker.

"Why do i sense a magic? Its so strong. Ive never sensed so much magic before" Stephanie said as she turned and looked around.

"What's wrong sis? Are you looking for someone?"

"No, i was just looking around. Its a really beautiful place"

"Glad you like it, now lets go to our class" she said as she held Stephanie's hand to the class



Tina and Lilian both are in the Business Admin. department . That is why they are in the same class. They had three lectures before break time, and they seemed to enjoy it.

Lilian was in the art department. She had flare for drawing and always wished she could be a real artiste. She also had three lectures before recess.

"Let's go to the canteen. Im famished" Tina said as they made their way to the canteen.

"The maths teacher has a very funny taste. Didn't you notice the way he drags his trousers when he teaches?" Tina said as they took their food and made way to a table.

"I must admit he sure was. All i could stare at was his glasses" Stephanie said as she laughed.

Stephanie sensed it again. I sense a really huge magic in this canteen. Where is it coming from?" she asked herself as she looked around.


"Take this" Priya said as she threw her plate on Lilian, attracting attention

"You wanted to go to college right? You are here now. Daddy isnt here to save you so you're done for bitch. Read ma lips, im gonna make your stay in this school a living hell" She said as she pushed her to the ground and she fell.

Priya laughed and left the canteen. Everyone was murmuring as each person looked at her and laughed.

Lilian hugged her legs as she sat on the floor crying. She looked at everyone there and dropped her head in embarrassment.

"Hey" Someone called to her.

"Here, let me take you to the bathroom" She offered as she lifted her up.

"Thanks" Lilian thanked the stranger after she had cleaned up.

"Im Stephanie" she introduced as she stretched her hand.

"Im Lilian" She said as she accepted the handshake.

Suddenly, Lilian's necklace sparkled as Lilian freed her hand.

"I sense so much magic. Who are you?"Stephanie thought as she stared at Lilian.

"Hello, are you thinking?"Lilian asked as she waved her hands over Stephanie's eyes.

"Oh! im really very sorry"

"Why was that girl bullying you?" she asked.

"Its sort of a sisters misunderstanding"

"Oh! she's your sister?"

"Yes" Lilian answered.

"What about your parents?"

"They are alright, thanks for asking. I must get to my class now, thanks for everything" Lilian said as she smiled and walked towards the doorway

The sun shone as ever before as Lilian walked towards the door. She turned back and smiled.

Then she turned and headed back to her class, waiting for the next lesson.



"That cant be Keira,her name is Lilian, and she has parents and a sister too" Stephanie thought as she walked around her room.

"But she is so different. The magic i sensed when i stood so close to her cant be described. It looked as if i wanted to fall when i was close to her. And did everywhere radiate when she was in the room, but darkened when she left.

"This is hard to figure out. She looks humanly and id it possible she has powers? Even if she is a fairy, what type?"

She asked as she folded her hands.

"Lilian you have so much powers, powers that i can never describe" I will watch her for sometime" she said out loud.

"Who are you watching for some time?" Tina said as she sat on Stephanie's bed.

"No one" Stephanie answered

"Is there anything you wanna tell me?" Tina asked suspiciously.

"No sis, i just was trying to remember a play" she lied.

"Ok, if you say so. So care for video game?" she asked.

"Sure thing" she said as Tina took the snakes and ladders from the table and dropped it on Lilian's bed.


Stephanie became friends with Lilian and she was always seen with Lilian. Priya continued causing trouble for Lilian. Stephanie and Lilian's relationship made Tina jealous because Stephanie seems to like Lilian more than her.

"Stephanie, i wanna go see a play after school. Will you follow me?" Tina asked as they climbed down the stairs,leaving for school.

"Sorry sis, but i cant, i wanna go see Lilian after school. I promised her" She told a sad Tina who muttered an ok.

Later that day, Lilian and Stephanie were having lunch at the canteen. Tina sat opposite them but didnt really contribute to their discussion.

"Hey, you see those cute guys over there?" Lilian asked as she pointed at the green devil's table.

"Yeah i can see them"

"Arent they cute?"

"Maybe they are"

Kelvin turned around and his eyes locked with Lilian's. Then he turned away.



"My life had always been filled with twist and turns. It never was alright for me since i grew up in a home where parents always quarrel.

Maybe that's what made me like this, Yeah, i may be Kelvin Enderson - the guy with taste, but my life was as tasteless as water, nothing close to sweet.

"My parents never seemed to love me.They always argued and made conditions for me, as long as i take their side.

"Now my mother has left home. Now I'm motherless. I always feel like committing suicide. I guess that's the reason why.

"My only family now are Kelvin and Leo who always make up time to be there for me. I'll always be grateful for their company.

"I dunno about my girlfriend. Though i love her alot, all she wants from me is money. So i cant possibly say she takes care of me.

"Hey man, how was class" Leo asked as he sat beside me.

"Twas rocky, couldn't even understand a thing that maths teacher said"

"I know what will cheer you up Kev. See those beautiful damsels over there, which is the most beautiful?"

"I looked in the direction he was pointing at and her met her gaze. She was the same girl i bumped into some time ago. Didnt know she was this beautiful.

Nah, she's not my type, and besides, i have Priya as my girlfriend, that's enough for me.

I looked towards her direction but didn't see her, or the girls she was with.

"That doesn't concern me anyway" i thought as i made my way to my class. I have had enough of girls.


I couldn't get over his image as i remembered that cute face i glared into at the canteen.

"Wasn't he the guy i bumped into weeks ago? Why cant i get his face out of my mind?

Those eyes, so divine. What the hell is going on with me?" Lilian thought as she looked at the lecturer.


"Hey Kev, done with classes?" Derrick asked as he approached Kelvin who was in the stadium.

"Yeah bro, but i got stuck with assignments which i dont think i will be able to finish before tomorrow"

"Dun worry Kev, your buddy's got your back. I am more than willing to help.

"Thanks Derrick. By the way, where's Leo?"

"He must be out flirting with a girl. That's what he always does" Derrick said

"Kelvin, ive not seen you all day. Where have you been?"

Priya asked as she sat close to Kelvin.

"The witch has arrived" Ill be right back Kev. Gotta take take care of some important stuffs" He said as he made his walked away.

"Ive been around. Guess you hardly noticed" Kelvin said.

"Nevermind dear. I need money for shopping. I'm taking some girls out"
Kelvin turned, making an eye contact with Priya.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course baby, i do"

"If you really love me, why cheat on me?"

"Me? cheat on you?, how will i?"

"Stop pretending, you understand very well what i'm talking about. Didnt it even get through that skull of yours that i will surely hear of your affair with Charles? You fucking ditched me Priya and i hate you for that.

"After i had shown you love, given everything u've asked for,yous till went ahead and did this to me"

"Fine! suit yourself. Not that you take care of me anyway. Its over Kelvin Enderson. Go to hell" Priya said as she stormed out of the stadium.

Kelvin sat on the bench,and a tear trickled down his face.

"Am i really crying? I'm a big guy, i dont cry.Why am i even crying for a girl who doesn't deserve me or my love? I hate my life" Kelvin said as he got up and walked to an unknown destination.


"How am i going to get home? I don't have any money on me and rain is about to fall. Priya left me and didn't tell me ahe was going home. Ill have to walk all the way home.

She trekked and suddenly stopped. Why do i sense someone's in trouble ? Lilian said as she followed where her heart led her to.

She got to a river and looked around. Someone seemed to be sinking in the middle of the river.

Lilian quickly dropped her bag and dived in. She rescued the person and brought him to shore.

He suddenly coughed and opened his eyes.

"You again? Why did you save me? You could have let me die" He said as he got up.

"You could have at least said a thank you" Lilian said as she folded her hands.

"Thanks any way"


NB: I wanna also dedicate this episode to Lily, my friend and supporter. Its a means of saying thank you.


"Why do you want to kill yourself? You would have drowned if i wasn't there to save you" Lilian asked as she looked at Kelvin.

He frowned as he turned away from her.

"I dont trust strangers" He said

"Alright then, i understand" She said as she turned, about to walk away.

" My life is a total mess. I've never been happy.

"My father never cares about me. Even if i was kidnapped or tortured, he wont ever be bordered.

"I supposed to be close to my mother, but she snubs me and pushes me away, just because she had me with my father.Arent children supposed to be closer to their mother?" Kelvin said as a tear trickled down his face.

"They always want me to support them, but i never wanted to support anyone. No one cares if i was dead or not, its best you describe me as dead.

"I may be Kelvin Enderson - a rich dude and every woman's dreams, but in between, i am more described as a jerk who fell i love with a girl that never understood me.

"All my life, i have lived in loneliness. No one to love me, no one to care"

"Im sorry" Lilian, moved by how he spoke came closer and consoled him.

" At times i wish i wasn't given such a stupid father and a useless mother"

"No Kelvin, dont say that, they are your parents"

"You call those people parents? they are my worst nightmare"

"I understand what you are going through Kelvin but they are your parents, your own flesh and blood. They might be in the wrong, they might have been wicked to you and might have said some things that might have hurt you bad, but they are still your parents

"You dont have to insult them, you just have to try to change them.Try to reach out to your parents and make them feel the pains you are going through. Committing suicide wont solve any problem Kelvin" Lilian said as she smiled at him.

"I guess that is a thanks. Im sorry for saying all that to you. I was just emotional. I dont know why but i felt comfortable telling you all that"

"Im glad i could help".

"What's your name?"

"Lilian, Lilian Dickson"

"Dickson? You bear the same surname as my girlfriend, i mean to say my ex"

"Who's that?"


"Oh! Priya is my older sister"

"Wow, i didn't know Priya had a sister, and a beautiful one at that"

"And i didn't know you were her boyfriend"

"Yeah, i was. We broke up today. She was cheating on me. I dont even think she ever cared much about me. She just loved my money, nothing else, and to think i have loved her" He said as he wept.

"Im sorry, please dont cry " she said as she tried to calm him down.

"Thanks" he said after he had gotten a grip on himself

"I must be on my way now. My parents and sister must be worried about me"

"You cant go alone, its late. My car is nearby, mind if i dropped you home?" He asked

"I will be more than grateful. Thanks"

"Don't mention" He said as they made their way to his car.


"If you dont tell me the reason why you left Lilian at college then i will skin you alive" Mr Dickson said as he made his way towards Priya.

"Dont touch her, she is your daughter for crying out loud. The person that ought to be punished is that girl and not my daughter" Mrs Dickson said as he stood between her husband and daughter.

"Why dont you ask her why? dont think i haven't noticed your unruly behaviour towards your sister. She is your sister Priya and your younger at that, how could you be treating her like a commoner?" Mr Dickson asked as he appeared confused.

"My sister, that bitch isnt my sister dad. I treat her the way she supposed to be treated so I'm not the one in the wrong.Dont think i dont know about how you found that she-devil on our doorstep, how you made her my sister"

"You made a wrong decision by bringing her here because i will make her suffer dad" She took everything from me but i will take everything back in ten folds no matter the cost" Priya said as she fumed with anger

"But who told you all this? I didnt tell you anything. All i wanted was for you to have a sister to call your own. Her comIng into this house made me prosperous and wealthy. Lilian hasn't done anything to deserve your hate Priya, why do you hate her this much?"

"Hate? if there is a word that can br more than hate then i would have used that word. She always takes everything from me. Everyone always notices her and never notices me, why wont i hatr that daughter of an unkown bitch?" Priya asked

"Look, you keep that crazy talk and don't tell Lilian about any of this. Goodness knows how she will take it"

"All you ever cared about is Lilian. Lilian Lilian, Lilian. Cant a day pass without hearing that foolish girl's name? You love her more than you love your own daughter. For goodness sake, she isnt our daughter, why take her as one? She supposed to work for us as a maid but instead, you made her your daughter" Mrs Dickson said.

"So it has come to this now? what has come over you two? Whatever that is, its your business but let me warn you guys, if Lilian hears one word about this,then i will make sure i disown or separate from that person" Mr Dickson said as he walked out.

"You see what i told you? Lilian has possessed your father that he doesn't even know the difference between a commoner and his daughter" Mrs Dickson said as she angrily walked out.

Priya stormed into her room and locked the door.

"Lilian, your days here are numbered" she said as she opened her curtains.

"Kelvin? what is he doing here? I knew he cant stay a day without me"

She was about to call out when she noticed someone in the car with him. She saw him come out of the car and went to the other side of the car to open the door.

"Lilian? with my Kelvin? That bastard! wait till i get you" she said as she watched Lilian laugh.

Seeing this, she locked her window and dropped her curtain.