

So, I have gotten my first place at the age of twenty-one.
some might be, "wow that's awesome, wish I could have been secured all my life that at the edge of thirty, I can then get my own place".


I am quite an ambitious person, and though I was doing my own thing at the age of seventeen, I was never truly on my own until now.

And not for lack of trying.

Now I am truly on my own, no family, no spouse, just me, God, my son and my 3 good friends.

it's a long story, but I figure I should start on a bit of good news.

I have started out with the bare minimum, my hot plate, a donated bed, donated utensils, pretty much all donated and yet, I couldn't be more happier.

it's weird.

did I mention I was also jobless? ha.

and though I search for jobs , though I doubt at times, I find in the end, I know I will be fine

for years, I have been in a toxic situation,my moving was quite a surprise, I guess that's why, I know I will be fine.

I always thought I was being punished, or that God just didn't remember or even knew me.

that level of depression is so real.

I fight it every day, it's trying to tell me I will fail, but he heard me, and because God heard me, I know I will be fine.

life's simple like that at times.

© C.Wynter