

The right guy
Chapter 2

The next morning Maya's alarm went off. Maya got up having a little hangover. So she went and showered. She got out feeling sick as well.

"This can't be happening," Maya said to herself.

Maya picked out an all-black suit today. She wanted to feel like a boss. She headed out to her interview but stopped at a coffee store.

"Good morning Ms. Sims the usual?" The employee said

"You know me well," Maya said.

Maya went and sat down waiting for her order to be called.

"Here's your coffee," the employee said

Maya got up to grab her coffee but someone else was reaching for the same cup as her. Maya looked up to see Greg right in front of her.

"I'm sorry," Maya said looking up.

"Sorry huh," Greg said looking down at Maya

"Shit. What are you doing here?" Maya asked

"What do you mean? I get coffee here all the time" Greg said

"Funny cause I never seen you in here," Maya said

"Cause I don't usually come in here to get it. I have my driver do." Greg said

"Ohh," Maya said

"Here take the coffee you do an interview in less than 20 minutes," Greg said

"Yeah, thanks. I thought you were interviewing me again?" She asked

"I was. But I got other things to handle" Greg said

"Okay I'll be seeing you then," Maya said walking away

Greg grabbed Maya's arm slightly

"I wanna get to know more about you," Greg said pulling Maya towards him

"There's nothing to know as I said before," Maya said nervously

"Have dinner with me?" Greg asked

"Dinner?" Maya said

"Yeah. Just call my number when you are ready for that date. No pressure. You got my real number" Greg said walking away

Maya looked shocked. She thought it was just all in her head the first time Greg interviewed her. Maya left right after Greg to make it to her interview.

"Nice to see you again Ms. Sims this way"

They walked back into another section than yesterday

"She's in there waiting on you," the employee said

Maya walked in seeing an old face from years ago.

"Wow," Maya said

"Yeah WOW. Look who here looking for a job" Monica said

Maya and Monica had beef back in Chicago. She thought she would never see this girl again a day in her life.

"Correction trying something new. I already have a job baby" Maya said

"Then why are you here?" Monica asked

"You heard me," Maya said

Monica laughed as she sat down in her seat.

"Sit Ms. Sims," Monica said

"Tell me why you applied?" Monic asked

"Cause I would like to try something new out for once," Maya said

"Sounds desperate to me," Monica said

"You still must have a problem from years ago," Maya said

"No bitch our problem" Monica whisper loudly

"Watch your mouth ugly," Maya said getting up

Maya got up ready to charge at Monica but she remembered where she was and sat down

"Ugly. Never" Monica said

"Seems like you won't be a good fit in here so goodbye," Monica said smartly

"Bitch so I get money as you know," Maya said laughing walking out.

Maya made her way to the front door when she was stopped by Greg.

"Ms. Sims," Greg said

"Greg" Maya said mad asl.

Greg looks at Maya walking out not knowing what happened. Greg went to Monica's office to see what the problem was.

"Why did Ms. Sims walk out with an attitude," Greg asked.

Monica got up fixing herself to look good for Greg. Monica wanted Greg so bad she would do anything to keep any pretty girl from getting a job here or to be close to him.

"I felt like she wasn't a good fit. She came in with an attitude from the start" Monica said

"Didn't seem that way this morning. But I'll call her" Greg said walking out.

Greg made his way to his office pulling out his phone and calling Maya.


Maya was in the car driving home when her phone began to ring. She picked it up and saw it was Greg

"Yes Greg," Maya said

"That's how you answer the phone?" Greg asked

"I don't think I'll fit in there at your office," Maya said

"And why is that?" Greg asked

"Just know I can't work there Greg it's just not going to end well," Maya said

"Be ready at 8" Greg said

"Why?" Maya asked

"No question. Be ready at 8 I'll be at your spot" Greg said

"You don't even know where I live," she said

"I do and I'll be to pick you up," Greg said before hanging up.

Maya was confused about how Greg even knew but the thought of this bitch Monica working at his office is a whole other level. Maya picked up her phone and called Tina.

"What's up boo?" Tina said

"So I went to the interview and guess who tf interviewed me?" Maya said

"Who? Wait I thought Greg was gone too" Tina asked

"I bumped into him this morning before the interview and he said he had something else to do. But bitch remember Monica?" Maya asked

"Monica Steel?" Tina asked

"Yup," Maya said

"Bitch what happened," Tina asked

"This bitch had the NERVE to say look who here to find a job. Like girl who tf you talking to? Then had the NERVE to say I look desperate" Maya said

"Desperate. That bitch should be the last person talking about desperate when she fucked a crackhead for a 3.5 bitch bye" Tina said laughing

"Yeah girl so I can't work there. But to put the icing on the cake bitch. Greg told me to be ready at 8. I guess he saw how mad I was walking out of his building" Maya said

"Whaaaat. Well, bitch you better put on a good outfit." Tina said shocked

"Tina the man knows where I stay," Maya said

"What," Tina said

"Bitch stop with the What's. I'm serious. I don't know how he knew" Maya said.

"Maya he's a billionaire he went find who he's looking for. It's not that hard to see that" Tina said

"Your right. But I don't know what to wear." She said

"Meet me at the mall. I know what will have his ass spinning" Tina said laughing

"Be there in 30. Let me go change out this suit" Maya said

"Alright best," Tina said hanging up.

Maya felt a nervousness across her body she didn't know what Greg had seen in her, but she wanted to find out. Maya went home and changed into some leggings and a tank top. She headed out to the mall the meet Tina.


"Damn this is the dress for sure," Maya said as she looked in the mirror at herself.

Maya had on an all-black dress which snatched her body all around. It was a short dress that came to her knees. The sides were cut just a Lil to give a little SAS.

"Yeah it's perfect best," Tina said.


"You look beautiful," Greg said looking at Maya

"Thank you. You not too bad yourself" Maya said

"This place is nice. I've never been" Maya said

"Yeah, it's nice. So you go tell me about what happened at my office?" Greg asked

"I rather not. I'm not trying to get anybody fired" Maya said

"Fired huh? You are good. I would like to know, cause if the person is bad that's bad for my business and I don't need that" Greg said

"It has nothing to do with your business or nothing honestly," Maya said

"So tell me," Greg said

"Okay. Monica is the one who interviewed me. Well, you got to kinda figure she's from our city. But we had beef and let's just say she still feels some type of way" Maya said

"Hmm. Well, I still think you should work at my place. You'll be a good fit" Greg said

"I know I would. But I'll pass" Maya said

"What made you wanna take me out on a date? You do this to everyone you interview?" Maya asked

Chris laughed

"Nah. You funny asl. But you are beautiful. And usually, I don't go on dates or even try to entertain myself with a chick. But you caught my attention." Greg said.

"Well, I can say the same. Since you are the most talked about person in the world today." Maya said laughing

"Yeah, I get you. But I'm not worried about all the fame and fans. My work is my work. That's important to me" Greg said

"I like that," Maya said smiling

"So it's just you?" Greg asked

"Me and my twin brother," Maya said

"So you moved here away from your parents, how do they feel about that?" Greg asked

"Ummmm. We were adopted. So when we turned 18 we were on our own" Maya said

"My bad I ain't mean..."

"It's okay. I usually don't like to talk about it. But you wanna know about me. We were adopted by some addicts who really could care less about us and just wanted the check. So I decided to move far away. And that's what I did and ain't look back not once" Maya said getting teary eyes

"Dammn. Let's go" Greg said as he saw Maya about to cry.

They got up leaving the restaurant into Greg Bently. They drove to Greg's place which was an hour away.

"Where are we going?" Maya asked

"To my place," Greg said

Maya didn't say anything just lay back in relaxed in the seat.


"Nice place," Maya said

"Thank you. Do you want something to drink? Greg asked

"Yes wine if you have any" Maya said

"I got you," Greg said walking into his kitchen.

Maya was looking around seeing how beautiful his place was and it was just him.

"So I'm sorry about what happened at the restaurant. I never wanted to make you cry. I just didn't know you had a hard life" Greg said

"No, it's okay honestly. It felt good to finally let some of it out than to keep it all in" Maya said

Greg put down his drink sitting down next to Maya.

"Look I know I may seem to have it all which I do. But I had a hard life too. From a top drug dealer to now. I just had to find my way. And this was the way" Greg said

"Wow, you. A drug dealer. I mean you do look like you could be one. But dang I wouldn't have known" Maya said

"Cause I don't give off that hood side of me anymore. I still have it. But I have shit to lose now" Greg said

Maya was listening to Greg talk but all she wanted to do was kiss his big ass lips.

"You listening" Greg asked

"Um hmm," Maya said biting her lip.

Greg laughed

"So do you have a habit of biting your lip?" Greg asked

"Yes. Guilty" Maya said rubbing her head

" it's cool. I like it" Greg said smiling

"Can I ask you something?" Maya said

"Why me? Like we just met yesterday and I'm already at your spot?" Maya asked

"Cause I can see my wife in front of me," Greg said

"Whoaa wife. Okay" Maya said

"Chill. I don't care If we met hours ago. I feel like I know you already. And who said we had to move quickly?" Greg said

"I don't know if I'm even ready for a relationship. I'm just trying to make it day by day..."

"You ain't got to be ready. I'm just letting you know I see my wife." Greg said

"Okay," Maya said

"You ready to go?" Greg said

"Yeah," Maya said


Maya walked into the house took her shoes off and her brother was on the couch sleeping.

"Fuck he doing here?" Maya said

"You" Maya yelled

"Man, what?" Mason said

"What? Look where you at?" Maya said

"We got into and she told me to get out," Mason said

Maya laughed

"What did you do this time?" Maya asked

"Man, nothing this time. A chick from my past hit me up. I mean we were talking but not like that" Mason said

"And I would have put yo ass out too. Shit I might do that now" Maya said

"Stop playing," Mason said sitting up

"But still you ain't slick. Fuck you got on?" Mason said

"Mind your business. I was out with the most-paid billionaire" Maya said smiling

"Man you bet not had fucked that man Maya" Mason said

Maya picked up a pillow and threw it at him

"How dare you say that. No! We've talked. Took me out to dinner then his place...

"See that right there,e" Mason said getting up.

"Chill he was just telling me about his life before he got rich. Vice versa" Maya said

"So he knows about us?" Mason asked

"Yeah kinda" Maya

"Man," Mason said getting up

"Goodnight boy," Maya said headed to her room

© Myesha O