

Tea Or Coffee
Waiter comes to take order.
Waiter:Mam..What do you want to take?
Hearing this Munna gives a weird expression towards waiter..
Munna:Hey Mr...I am also here.Are not you notice me?
Babita gives a smiles..
Waiter : Sorry sir. Order please.
Babita:Munna...I want to take only a coffee.
Waiter: Mam..Your choice is really good.We have a best coffee.
Munna: No..No babita..I prefer tea. Actually Tea is better than coffee.
Babita: Okay...As you say..
Munna: So..Waiter..2 Tea with some French fry.
Waiter: Sir..Okay But I Think Mam wants to eat coffee. Am I right mam?
Munna: No...She likes tea...Am I right babita?
Babita: Okay..Waiter..Please take two tea.
Waiter: Okay Mam...I will give you special tea. You feel very good to eat it..
Babita: Oh...so sweet...Thank you.
Waiter: Yes, Mam...So sweet like you.
Munna: Hey...Stop...take coffee don't need to take tea.
Babita:Munna...What is your problem?
Munna:Shut up....waiter cancel the tea...Take coffee.
Waiter:But sir..Mam wants to eat tea.
Munna: Hey...Poor waiter..Just stay in your limit.
Waiter: Sir...sorry but You are doing bad with mam. You don't care about her wishes..When She wants to eat coffee you refused...but When she wants to eat tea..Then you again chage your opinion.
Munna: Hey...stay in your limit.
I don't want to eat anything here...neither tea nor coffee.Let's go babita.
Babita: The waiter is right. Now My eyes open now...You don't care about my opinion or wishes. Bye.I don't want to talk with you...And listen don't call me.....Bye..
Munna is surprised to see everything.
After...Leaving the babita..
Waiter: Sir...Will tell me what you take...Tea or coffee?
Munna gives angry look on waiter but after few second both of them start to laugh.
Munna:You Man!must be single.
Am I right?
Waiter: Yes sir...So sir...Tea or coffee.?
Munna:Just give me single Coffee...
Waiter smiles and say"okay...brother."