

Thoughts of Delusional Thomas- The Pursuit of Happiness... vol. #1-
The Constitution of The United States of America, in the basis form of that sacred document... entitles the American citizen to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... and in which, a very surreal realization ensues...
That all three key factors can be taken from you at any moment... negating the possibility of said happiness.
Life... as we know it, can be lost on the whim of a whisper in a windstorm.
Freedom, can be taken without cause or condemnation, or can be willingly given away by the voluntary decisions one makes...
And the pursuit of happiness is niether guaranteed or promised.
One can try desperately their whole lives to accomplish this and still arrive at desolate...
Only the specific "pursuit" factor, of said happiness... is detrimental to the foundation of basic human potential... letting oneself... then, being satisfied with the very results of our decisions, thus defining our inner-success and giving meaning to our journey.
© Psamls/Poems By Thomas