Love for black
What blood colour do you have?Do you have Pink or green blood?No,You have Red colour as I have!!Yes I am a indian,Yes I may not be as fair as You all some Reader!but I do have Red blood colour as yours!!Some People are soo racist!!,They think They are better then others just because they are white or fair!!We Think black are Africans and white are Americans.!!They both may have Different believe,tradition or Religion but we should never hate anyone by their skin colour!!No one is better or good!!It is foolishness to think ourselves better then others.Why should any one be proud of their colour?Some hate black people but just think even our moles are black but we do love black moles,some wear black clothes because They like but they hate black People!!If you love black Moles,black dress,black hair,black eyes then why do you hate black people?It is just foolishness to love...