

How is the weather? Mister Virus chapter 26.
How's the weather? That is the question that Mr.Virus and his flying monkeys ask me always to manipulate me. I remembered where this question came from: At the beginning of my date with Mr.Virus, he used to send me many friends of him to talk to me. He even entered my facebook page to write bad words, it's like it was me writing. I knew it was him because he made a friend of whom I met the same day I met him, make a comment. I felt very bad and I claimed the friend. Then I deleted the publication and I wrote another saying to my Facebook's friends, that bad publication was not written by me.

One day, one of his flying monkeys wrote to me and asking me: How the weather is in my country? I remember going to google to see the celcius degree of the weather we had to send it to him so he can see by himself how the weather is. How this Facebook's friend was a flying monkey from Mister Virus, I thought, he went and told him. Mister Virus also could see for himself my answer because since I knew him he started hacking my accounts. I am sure that he was online when I was giving this answer.

Since then there have been many flying monkeys that he puts into the game to ask me that same question when they are doing some type of game that they do not want me to understand at the time. They always ask me that question in the order of Mister Virus: How is the weather?

As always, I did like I don't understand anything. I answered them this time: The weather is sunny, it is a bit cold, hot, there is a lot of rain among others... I always responded like this when they wrote to me on Facebook.

Mr. Virus also being in the same country as me: once we met and he looked at me, and suddenly he asked me how is the weather? Mr. Virus is in the same place as me, he could see the weather for himself. But he asked it to me.

Another thing that I remembered about this man: It was once he called me to go to him and spend the night with him. When that man calls me, it is because he has a well-done performance in which he wants to make me participate without realizing it. when I enter in one of his apartments, we start quickly by doing what he always has in mind to do to satisfy his wild wish, I remembered that man had left several clothes lying on the floor. As soon as we finished, not even 10 seconds had passed, someone knocked at the door.
Mr. Virus quick got up to open and Mr. Virus quick started to pick up the clothes in the floor and the lady came in and sat looking at us without saying anything. That's was her play in this performance. I went to talk to the lady, while we talked, she suddenly came up with this same question: how is the weather! I quickly understood what her performance was, I finished giving the lady the answer and I entered the room. I started to help Mister Virus pick up the clothes that he dyed lying on the floor, as I saw that it was to teach the woman who was here what he was doing, I left him alone and I went to bed.

Mister Virus invited us to go out to dinner. I remembered having put on black clothes, and I didn't remember why I didn't put on the shoes with which I came. Mister Virus had a flip-flop, I lent it to put it on and the three of us entered the elevator to go down.

Mr. Virus asks the woman if he would like an ice cream for dinner, she responded by mimicking her face: ice creaaam? And they began to look at each other together, it was as if to show me that there is something between them. Suddenly I looked at his flip-flop that was on my feet and I didn't want to leave anymore because I wasn't ready to go out.

Mr. Virus felt very angry, I remembered that he told me: I am not going to leave you in my apartment so as not to steal my things. He made me enter another apartment. I remembered telling him to bring me a pizza if he wanted. He answered me if you want to come and buy it, that's fine, I'm not going to walk around with a pizza to bring you like that in hand. making the gesture as if he had the pizza in his hand.

I went into the room where he left me and when he left with the woman, I went out and went to the hall on the top floor. Upon returning, Mister Virus entered the apartment, not seeing me I could observe his annoying behavior from above. Mister Virus left the apartment and went to stop in the hall, turning his back to me, looking up, it's like he is saying by himself: where is that girl going?

I went down, he felt that it was me who was coming after him, but he did not turn around. I came and touched his back and together we went back to the room where he would not want me to steal anything from him I sat down a bit. Then he went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and told me, find those foods that are below and put it on top. It was like he wanted to show me the foods in the fridge in case I wanted to make something for myself and eat I remembered asking him: what those meals had there to change them place and I have not done what he has told me, nor have I gone to get something for dinner.

The meaning of Mr. Virus's performance was: As soon as he finishes having sexual relation with me, the other white lady must not last even 1 minute before coming to knock on the door. You could tell that this lady was somewhere watching what I and Mr Virus were doing. Mr.Virus had those clothes there, and suddenly he started to pick up the clothes and did it in a way to come to help him and I did it although it did not last long when I realized his actuation and I went to bed.

Suddenly Mr. Virus stopped the performance when I went to bed. Mister Virus had said to the lady: if you see that she is talking to you ask her how the weather is like? And I could see, suddenly I greeted her and we began to exchange some words suddenly he came up with the key word to silence me: How is the weather?

Mr. Virus would like to continue with the performance cause he wanted me to go out with him to eat and the white woman too while he walked hand in hand with the woman and I behind him. I did not want to leave anymore and he has not been able to fulfill that part of acting as he would want it. Upon returning after a very short time, I saw him alone looking for his slave where he left her and he did not find her. The only question I had to ask him when he returned is: How the weather was? but I forgot.

© RebChrist888