

Awake(chapter 3)
~ If you haven't read the chapters before this make sure to go read those first and then come back to this chapter ~

Chapter 3
"Lydia!" Mom yells as she walks up the stairs. "Its time to pick up the cake, do you wanna come or stay here?" I think for a moment, "I'll stay here, thanks." Mom replies, "alright, be good" mom leaves the room. I listen to her foot steps as she walks down the stairs and out the door and then i am left with the quiet. The only sound to penetrate the silence are my own thoughts. Then suddenly i hear beeping. i look beside my bed to see one of those hospital monitors. I then Stand up only to feel pain in my arm and see a bunch of wires hooked up to me and see that im wearing a hospital gown. Im am so confused and scared i feel like screaming. When suddenly a nurse walks in. I didnt hear what they were saying as i was just lost in my thoughts, in my confusion. Then i snap back to reality only to see mom shaking me, saying, "what wrong?! Why wont you awnser me lydia?!" I look down at my cloths and at my bed, everything is normal. "I dont know i geuss i was daydreaming?" Mom releases me, "you scared me for a moment." My phone vibrates, "thats Probaly emily, i should see what she wants." " alright I'll get back to setting up decorations." Mom leaves the room and walks back downstairs. That was crazy, it felt like it was real. I grab my phone and unlock it. sure enough, its emily.

too be continued...

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