

Isabella's diary(Chapter 2).
I got to the gate and turned to look at my parent. I saw dad holding mum's shoulder while mum kept cleaning her face with an handkerchief. They waved and I grinned and walked through the gate rolling my pink brief case behind. I got to the door post of pink 02, I walked in, the room comprised of 4 bunks making it 8 beds, for 8 students. It was a large pink room with seperate lockers. I saw my number on a bunk " 5" which the woman gave me at the entrance. There was a fat senior that looked mean, my heart skipped. Seniors were to stay on the upper bunk, while juniors stayed under.

"Good afternoon" I said.
All eyes were on me. I burped, they answered.. I walked towards my bed.
"Hey! you can't greet!?".. I turned.
"I.. I... I greeted.
"Leave that girl alone, Alice!" another senior yelled at her. She smiled and walked away. I arranged my things into my locker and laid my bed, I sat... missing doodie.
Doodie has always been my teddy since I could walk, I went everywhere with doodie except from now that its not here, I winced and hugged my self.

A senior just bashed into our room, she was from the 2nd floor perhaps. She was tall and damn busty. She started making jokes and laughing noisily, everyone was smiling and laughing, even two of my mates that were on the below bunk, cracked up so loud. Except me!.

"Josephine, its not funny, that babe didn't laugh " a senuor said. She looked at me and was walking towards my bunk, her boobs was kind of walking with her, I shooked. She sat on my bed and starred at me for a while.
"Fine girl, what's your name?" she asked. I was still scared. "Isabella!" I snorted looking at my fingers..
She smiled to me.
*Every one was watching*

"I like this girl" she said as she pulled me closer to her bossom, making my small head rest on her boobs..
Damn, it was so comfy... I felt like sleeping immediately.
"You miss your mum?" she asked. I only nodded still looking at my fingers. She dragged my pillow, placed it at her back and was playing with my hair..
"How old are you?"
"I'm 13" I replied.
"Don't worry, I would be your school mother" I winced as she said.
"You would be calling me Josephine, I don't want to hear senior Josephine. Did you hear?" she said pulling her left ear.

"Alice, I've gotten a school daughter". Every one gasped as she said this. The senior above my bunk jumped down, she was on a robe and part kg her boobs also was exposed.
"Josephine, she's already my school daughter" She said. I looked at the both of them and swallowed my laughter. "Mabel, or what are you called, Isabel is mine already.. first come, first served" Josephine yelled.

"You must be kidding, she's in pink house not purple house, go and look for another girl in your house colour" senior Mabel said holding her waist firmly.
"Isabel, my room is upstairs, come and see me any time you want any thing" Josephine said and walked out. I could only nod my head to her statement.

Senior Mabel shaked her head,
"I must not see you with her, unless you would fan me till the next day and also fetch water for me throughout the week" she said and climbed up to her bed. I was terrified at the mention of fetching water.. I laid down on my bed and sobbed a little.

I felt a tap on my arm, I used the back of my hand to clean my face as I sat up.
"What happened?" the girl said.
"Oh no, I'm fine" I said. "Okay, my name is Grace and I'm in Jsss1 also" she said.
"Oh..okay. I'm Isabella" I said.
Then she told me every one's name in the room, that fat senior was senior Elizabeth.

"Thats Glory and Winifred, they are also in Jsss1" she told me. "Senior Alice is our room captain" she said as I kept nodding my head. "Senior Joy is the one above my bunk" she said.
"Senior Cecilia is the one above Lola's bunk" she told me. I nodded and told her thank you as she walked towards her bed.

Senior Elizabeth was about coming down from her bunk, then she missed a step and almist fell....

❤ To be continued❤...

© Damie