

Beware Two: Addition (Page 2)
When I die and when you come into the generational curse; years after my lived century has expired; they will be waiting for you and they are going to know exactly what to do to you right away. They won't need any time to negotiate or to make decisions! The negotiation and the decision making will be held prior to your conception in your mother's womb. Your whole life is already going to be mapped out and organized ahead of time!! A couple of months or weeks before the birthing of you, and before you develop; they will call a confidential meeting. In this formal gathering; they sit in a circle with a calendar, a poster board, and a crystal ball in the center of them!! An empty chart is drawn on the paper to pinpoint what you are going to be doing and the location of where you will be on each day of every month in every year. Once they finish tagging and tailing your wearabouts; they will schedule the ways they are going to hurt you, the problems they are going to make happen for you, and the disguised outward appearance that they are going to look like on those arrival dates, but it's not only your life that will be planned. While they are working on yours; they will (methodize/systematize) the lives of the summoned people that are going to be conceived in the eras that are coming after your era. By the way, I wasn't talking about an actual calendar or an actual crystal ball. These are non-human species that I'm talking about. They don't need to have objects to read into your life. They are all knowing and have all the power; just like the lord!! I used calendars and crystal balls as a metaphor to illustrate what I meant and to be sarcastic. Certain victims in the family have shorter lifespans and they do not live very long, but for the ones who are kept alive the longest; are served as a sacrificed offering to execute a mission. The devil and his alliance of demons that are pretending to be our relatives intentionally allows some of us to stay alive and to remain unharmed to use us, to get something from us, or to milk us dry. As soon as they are done; they quickly take us out, but while they are feasting and drinking their milk; they trick us and manipulate us to think that we're safe or that everything is fine when it's really not.
There are four ways you will be murdered. "Fake fighting" is one of them, and what that means is to create a misleading reason to argue with another person before the day of initiating the argument that was premeditated; then it escalates into an unfair death that was intentional once the person's anger is provoked and once the verbal altercation turns into a physical fight! What they mispresent as the reason for arguing is not what the instigator was genuinely upset about! The counterfeit reason is blamed to cover up the real reason, and to deceive you or to make it seem as though it is the real reason. It's like wanting to kill someone and hating someone to the extreme level, but has to make the killing appear as an accident or appear as if it was self defense to get out of going to jail or to not take the risk of tarnishing their reputation. Sometimes when they get bored; they switch up their technique and switch gears. They do not always rely on counterfeit reasons to start fake fights!! Their other fight attempting method is exaggerating your mistakes like it is the end of the world, causing a scene and ranting about what you did that was wrong to other people every single day or more than once throughout each day and each night, teasing you like a four year old; six year old; or five year old, treating you like you are supposed to be perfect at all times, berating you like you are the floor underneath the bottom of their shoes, traumatizing you to entertain their sadistic fantasies, blackmailing you to feel more superior, and abusing you emotionally because of your accidents, because of your clumsiness, or because of your incognizance; and will not stop dwelling on your flaws for the love of god; or focusing on the tribulations that you have struggled with; every five minutes and bringing it to your attention to make you feel bad so you can't forget about it or heal from it, and move on with your life!! Any little thing you do that isn't right will be weighed on you more than it should!! It could even be something as small as accidentally dropping something! The mistake doesn't always have to be major. They will snap and will overreact; despite how big the matter is or how tiny it may be. Anyone with common sense can tell you that this is deranged, or tell you that it is only sensible and necessary for a person to lose their sanity if something is fatal or an emergency!!!! Many of the prey dogs were assassinated because of fraud fights, so if you notice someone who does not have a medical history of any mental disorders and mental disabilities, or if they swear and if those that are related to them or are friends with them; swears that they do not have psychological problems but is always acting angry in a "over dramatic" manner towards you because of bad things that happen that you did not do, that is not your fault, and are being accused of; or because of things that you do that isn't smart or right but is not serious enough for them to be acting the way that they are; it means they have a death wish and they wanna kill you. I strongly suggest that you ignore them like I did!! It works for me and I know it will work for you!! Don't open your mouth, don't show any emotion, and don't look in their direction!! Pretend they are not even there and I promise that eventually they will calm down, they will go away, and they will stop yelling at you and talking disrespectful to you when they see that you're not caving in or giving into their scheme..... Plus your past family members that were victims of the curse and have died because of fake fighting would be proud to see that you are not making the unwise choice that they made, and to see you doing what they should have done that I'm sure they regret in the afterlife!! The enemy will often invade your thoughts and will try to make you feel like a coward for being silent, for not fighting back, and for being passive aggressive; but don't listen to their lies. Disengaging and not responding is the thing that will save you and is much better than having your death fabricated to the authorities or being unfairly killed, and having your body stashed somewhere to look like you ran away!! I don't know about you all but I would pick living over that crap any day. You must also keep your eyes open for the times when they choose to go overboard. There is going to be moments when they will walk up to you and start beating you out of the blue!!!! May god be with you when this happens. I pray that you are able to knock the shit out of those bastards and manage to run out of the house without sustaining any injuries or without dying on the way out!! Wait for the hostility to die down before coming back and before going back inside! There is absolutely no excuse for someone to quickly "lash out" at any and every thing in general or to behave in that kind of manner if they have no mental issues and are not taking medication for mental illnesses, but the ones that actually are unstable and are medicated; are not fully themselves or are conscious of what they are doing. The devil is operating their movement and operating their speech as a ventriloquist doll!! He tampers with the chemical imbalance in their brain, and controls them to say things or do things to you that bothers you; in order to initiate a fight on purpose and to kill you during the fight. It's him and it is the wicked men and the wicked women that were not god's children, that were a part of your family in the far away past, that were agents and legions of the antichrist, and were born to attain Lucifer's inheritance for administering his biddings in the physical world, but were sent to hell after they died; and are now arosing from the dead by the satanic practices that are performed by the living members of your family; to bring them back and to collide their souls with the deceased souls to enter the body. Whoever this person is; that is being programmed and controlled; you should stop talking to them and should stop hanging around them unless they are someone closest to you and are someone that you love dearly; otherwise distance yourself from them and cut off ties with them for your safety and for the safety of your sanity!!! You do not know what they might do or what you might do when the aggravation occurs. It will happen often and it will be unpredictable!! You or them or somebody else could get hurt in the heat of the moment; and it is not good for you to be angry all of the time. Excessive anger can lead to a heart attack, an aneurysm, depression, blurred vision, high blood pressure, and etc!! What best helps and diminishes the possession of a loved one is to not look at them as their regular self and to view them as the beast because it is the beast that is hiding, speaking, and misbehaving within the body of your loved one. Have you ever heard of the phrase "undressing someone with your eyes"???? In this case; I am not talking about anything sexual. What I mean is to visually change the way they look into the appearance of your enemy, to allow your ears to change your loved one's voice into your enemy's voice, and to not call your loved one by their name but instead address them by the name of the enemy!! Stare into the eyes of the beast with a direct facial expression that says you mean business and let them know that you know it's them, let them know that you know what they are after, let them know that you know the games and the pretenses that they're trying to pull, let them know that they will not win, let them know that you will not let them accomplish the goal they are aiming for, and requote statements or words that they can not stand; the minute they start acting through your loved one!! A demon fails and is weak when they acknowledge that you know who they are, what they are, what they are doing, what they are anticipating, what they have up their sleeve, and what their name is!! Not knowing and being clueless is what gives them the upper hand, but knowing destroys the deception and takes them down. Affection is your other greatest weapon because demons are filled with rage and hatred. The more love that you both show each other; it can drive the demon away!! Hug each other, apologize to each other, say that you both love each other, and communicate with each other to come to an understanding and to think how to stop the devil and your family from taking over their mind!! Screaming, bickering, and fighting back and forth is hard to resist; especially when you are being tested but you have to; if you want it to end.
The second strategy they will use to murder you is poisoning your food by putting things that should not be digested inside of the food when no one is around, transferring negative energy into the food, buying the wrong food brands that your body does not agree with, adding a deadly amount of seasoning in the food that is unsafe and is unhealthy to be consumed; or too much of other ingredients besides the seasoning, and not sterilizing the cookware that they use before they prepare your meals for you. The third murder tatic is kidnapping your soul and replacing your soul with a demon while you are at home, while you are at school, while you are working at your job, or wherever else you might be at the time! The demon impersonates you and it lives in your physical body on earth when the real you is being tormented in hell and is watching the demon act and speak for you inside of your body, but can not defend yourself. The fourth murder tactic is having sex with Satan and making babies with Satan. Him and the thousands of ancestors you are related to; that were damned after their passings and were demons that committed devilry to harm god's special angels in the family while posing as human beings when they were alive; are gathering together in multiple groups to conjoin spirits and to mold themselves as several individual males and females. Once the conjoinment is completed; they bet on who's going to be the one to screw you and impregnate you if you're a woman. The ancestors of guys are issued to the ladies and the ancestors of girls are issued to the guys along with Satan!!! If one person isn't able to get you; they will send another conjoined group in a single (feminine/masculine) body form. They will not stop sending sex demons to you until one of them finishes the task. Their objective is to multiply, and to produce more and more bad seeds to overpower and overpopulate the good seeds. This is what prolongs the curse!! The fetus implanted into the womb is not a real baby!! It is the rebirth and the redevelopment of someone that has lived before and wants to begin a new life with a new identity for a sinful aspiration, and to tie loose ends, or to burn bridges. If it is not the reincarnation of the dead; it is possible that it could be something of the astral plane of damnation that is not human, and has never lived as a human being before. Regardless of whomever; they are both on a savage hunt and are out for blood!!!! A woman's uterus and a man's semen is an opening to welcome in previously born spirits of the past; looking for another chance to live again, and unborn spirits that haven't been born yet but are waiting for a chance to be born; or entities that are nonmortal and was not meant to be mortal. If you are uncareful; you will invite an abomination into the existence, so protect your gentials with caution and try not to allow them to fuck you, but that my dear is a lot easier said than done!! Protecting it isn't as simple as counting from 1 to 100. The spell they cast on your head will weaken your ability to resist the seduction. It's very similar to hypnosis! Being spellbound in this hypnotizing (trance/state); your thinking skills will be deadened, and you will be sightless to what is happening. It makes you relaxed, it makes you submissive, it makes you feel that it is alright to let your guard down, it makes you feel that you are liked or loved, it's makes you more willing to trust others, and it makes everything around you feel like a happy peaceful dream; where everything is noble and nothing can harm you. That is when they creep up on you and make their move!!! You won't even expect it or see it coming!! The shock, the enrage, and the disgrace of this entire ordeal is the departuring of the spell wearing off. The moment it is over; they laugh at you, they point the finger at you, they judge you, and they talk to you like you are a child who does not know any better, or an idiot who can not do anything right when they are the masterminds who set this whole thing up!! Those conniving backstabbing tricksters make you feel and make everyone else believe that you are in the wrong or that you knew exactly what you were doing when you were messing up and were a blind sheep under their control. The person you are before you meet someone is your true self. That is who you truly are!! Not the person you become after you meet them!! Who you are afterwards is what they are and what they have altered you to be. The spell forces you to do things that you didn't think you could do and things that you swore and promised to god that you would never do. You impulsively act on the crazy things and the silly things that it urges you to do, and you do not know why you are doing it!! If you are a woman; you will meet a man and if you are a man; you will meet a woman who is going to approach you. When they shapeshift into the physical embodiment of a human being, and when they appear at the exact place of where you are; they will voluntarily strike a conversation with you, and will ask to exchange phone numbers or other contact information; while seeming as if they wanna be friends with you and wanna help you, or would like to get to know you and be more than friends. It all starts with a simple "hi how are you doing?" You could be making a deposit or a withdrawal at your local bank, you could be shopping at a local grocery store, you could be eating inside of a restaurant, you could be sitting in a chair on your porch, or etc; and this is when you will meet them. You are not going to know who this person is; and you are not going to know that it is the devil, your evil ancestors, and some of your kinfolks that are not dead. Neither will you know that they have all transmuted to the visualization of a random stranger and have combined into one!! There will be something about this integrated stranger that will spark your interest and will make you attracted to them. It could be their looks, their personality, their material possessions, or something else!! They exhibit themselves to you as this charming, intelligent, respectful, kind hearted, empathetic person, and an excellent listener. Their attractiveness, their outstanding qualities, and their deceptive display of care and concern that they are putting on to impress you is the hook that reels you in. It's how they get you to like them and fall for them!! They come back every century to mate with the angels!! It is a centurial routine that is everlasting!
Now that I have told you how they are going to kill you; that gives you the opportunity to bypass and to dodge the bullets that they shoot at their puppets. My spine trembles for those of you who had innocent babies that were with Jesus in heaven; and was flown down to the earth to be created in your womb, or in the womb of the female that you mated with. I personally want you to give them a hug and a kiss!! The kids that are pure, that are of light, and are spawns of Jesus; in the bunch of the kids of yours that were not...... Let them know that I apologize and let them know that I hate that they had to end up like me!!! Being a holy creation of christ; whose mother or father brought them into the spiraling rampage of an angel hungry curse, and were occult targets! I am sorry that their parents were groomed, manipulated, and hypnotized into a relaxed unmindful sleep state by the filthy incubuses and succubuses that they thought was "Mrs Right", and their "knight and shining armor"! I'm sorry they will never get to experience the independence of owning a home of their own, owning a car of their own, and paying bills; or making income and having income for themselves. I'm sorry they will never get to experience the pleasure of being treated with kindness, being shown real love, and having friends or a partner! I'm sorry that their hopes and dreams will be shattered, and can never be fufilled because of the curse! I'm sorry they will be subjected to incest. I'm sorry that evil spells will be casted on them!! I'm sorry their outstanding talent and their geniusness will be gone to waste. I'm sorry they will be punished for the wrongdoings of others. I'm sorry that everyone will look at them in a negative light. I'm sorry that nothing they do will ever be amazing enough or sufficient enough. I'm sorry that they won't be given any credit for anything at all. I'm sorry that every stranger they come across at work, at school, on social media, and everywhere else in their everyday lives; will be their family in disguise. I'm sorry they will never drive a car or learn how to drive. I'm sorry that the curse will bring bad folks into their life, and prohibit them from ever meeting anyone decent. I'm sorry they will be enslaved in their family's house and will not be able to go anywhere or have fun; and can not experience life or do anything with their life until the day they decide to run away; but will then have to live on the street with nothing; from the age they were when they left; to the time they take their last breathe. I'm sorry they will have to see and hear things that will scare them out of their wits until they have a nervous breakdown. I'm sorry that toxins will be added in the food that they are going to be fed for years while they are living with their family. I'm sorry they will be starved to death while they are on the streets. I'm sorry their health will be sabotaged because of the crap they are consuming and because of the spiritual attacks that they will face. I'm sorry they will be framed a lot and will get in trouble for stuff that they did not do, or because of people assuming they are things that they're not; and will never be heard or believed whenever they try to protest their innocence. I'm sorry that their anger will be intentionally provoked and played with. I'm sorry they will never have peace and will not be able to go a day without getting upset, without fighting, or without arguing because of the curse's enjoyment off of hostility and because of the curse taking over the brains of everyone around them, and making everyone do things or say things to piss them off; while the people that it chooses to control; have no idea what is going on until it's over. I'm sorry that they will hear voices in their head; telling them all sorts of bullshit lies, and will have them believing those lies when it's not true. I'm sorry that the curse will be persuading them and pressuring them to do stuff that they shouldn't be doing. I'm sorry that they will have to be driven to insanity and have to tolerate the problems that their parents are battling; along with their own set of problems that were caused by the cursed. It is the weight of a bag of bricks when you are juggling two nightmares all at once and can not take a break or when you've got a septic tank of your own turmoil and have to carry someone else's at the same time, but personally I am most sorry that those angels won't be able to poop in the toilet like every other family member that they live with because of the toilet pipes being too fragile, too "run down", or too small to flush larger sized feces; and will have to listen to the annoyance of everybody nagging in the house, or watching them get angry and throw a bitch fit; every single time they have to help plunge the toilet when the toilet is backing up!! Rather than fixing the toilet crisis like rational adults are supposed to; the family members will order them to poop inside of a garbage bag that will be placed inside of the toilet whenever they defecate!! Someone else will have to carry the bag of poop to the trash bin that is outside; in front of everyone else in the house after they finish pooping. They will not care who is around to see, or if there are guests that are over there; during the disposing of their feces. They all turn to each other and giggle as the bag is being taken out, or either talk about how gross it is and how bad the smell is......Which will be incredibly embarrassing to the child to the point where they start holding their waste and making themselves sick!! There is nothing that justifies putting someone through something like this. Nobody has the ability to construct or to customize the measurements of their turds or the scent of their turds before it comes out of their anus!! That is beyond our control, and quite frankly; it is not the child's fault that they were born into a family who lives in a house with a shabby toilet. The family was already living in the house, and was already perfectly aware that the toilet was problematic, and was already having difficulties with the toilet before the child came into their lives, so why did they charge that against the child?......Why did they not let the child take out their poop themselves when it was the appropriate time; if the child has all four of their limbs and can walk!? Why did they not make a huge commotion about the toilet or do anything about the toilet before the birth of the child?.......And why on earth did they not purchase a portable toilet to install outside near the house or inside of the child's bedroom in the house, so the child could use the toilet without any complications; if they were clearly able to afford it and had jobs!? I did not deserve that, the angels in the past did not deserve that, and the future angels do not deserve to have their excrement used to bully them. Through my awakening from god and through my clairvoyant gift that god has blessed me with; I sense that they were collecting our poop and taking samples of the fecal matter that they preserved; to include it in their satanic rituals. They could have been secretly smudging the feces on voodoo dolls, or other objects with the dolls; and have been secretly mixing the turds in the concoctions that they whipped up. I can't say for sure what they did to our doo-doo because it was done in private. My last assumption is that maybe they might have been putting some of the dookie into the sodas, the juices, the milk, and the food in the refrigerator. After every few days when I would eat; I tasted dookie and urine on the food and in the drinks!! The taste wasn't overwhelming but it was noticeable enough to know that it was there. When they reincarnate themselves and when they come back to live in the family in your time; remember to throw away your dinner, your breakfast, your lunch, and your snacks; if it doesn't taste right. Knowing that somone could be so disgusting and psychotic is utterly disturbing!! #familygenerationalcurse #familycurse #parttwo #part2 #beware #generationalcurse #addition #wakeup
© Club Kira