

A soul Asking for Care...In my life everything is fine but nothing is good... always caring for others but when I need someone to wipe my tears all are unknown... Exactly i don't know what is happening in my life but all i know is I need to fullfill my Father's dream...
I know the pain of harsh words so i never talk rude to anyone but do they really care???
I am the happiest girl to the world but only my pillow knows the tears comes out at night...
Whom I think they are close to me i care them more than myself, but they don't really understand my feelings they just think about themselves not others emotions...The one whom i am close to they hurt me the most...
no one became that close to me with whom I can talk openly...I can share everything... I have lot's of friends but I don't have anyone near to my heart...Don't i deserve a little Happiness..I too want to Smile really i am tired of giving fake smile..
neither my family knows nor my friends what is my emotions because I don't believe that anyone can understand even if I share...
I am happy but I don't have peace...
I want someone who can understand Me...
I want someone who can become a supporter for my dreams...
My dreams are big but very difficult to reach..
I am not the one who let the dreams go whatever happens i will achieve if I will be Alive....

© Shree