

This isn"t so much a story, but I wanted to share this with you guys,

why do people do better in their own space?
is it because they dont judge themselves
space is a force a.k.a as a shield
when people feel threatened or feel mistreated
they put up a wall
well that wall is their internal shield
their defensde mechanism
why cant anyone hear you scream in space?
because your trapped within your own thoughtsand feelings
of course noone can hear you if you dont allow them is your space.

All of the energies and magnatism on the planet is one with us
God is so divine! we akk coexist and co habit with one another
thats why its so awesome to just be you because you shine for a reason
if you blend in your shine starts to dim and you fade away and get lost with society
thats just like you have a bowl of fruit and 1 starts to go bad they all turn
but if you take the bad 1 out of the bowl it preserves the other fruit
the 1 that was rotting starts to decrease its rotting rate and slows down
its trying to put the light back in and shine again.

Batteries co exist and help eachother work even though they are complete opposites
they both have different jobs 1 pulls and the othe pushes
when their layed the same way it doesnt work
they both need to be unique to attract what the other is lacking.

communication is so important, people have the ability to talk
without talking nobody will know how the other is feeling
without communication ideas wont be enlightened with anyone

working on yourself and loving yourself
changes everything
Im falling in love with the new me everyday
sure the old me tries to surface but im putting her to rest
awakening my innerself
i actually really never had the realisation on what an awesome indicidual i am
God really blessed the people that know me and mean the world to me
God and those select few who truly know me know I am blessed and grateful