

the lie (chapter 7)
"everything you said was a lie. he didnt kill 'em. you did."
"no! your wrong!" rebecca fell to the floor with her hand on her head.
"yes. you did." audrey said wi yt? h a straight face. "you were getting anoid cuz it would hush. so you chose to put a pillow over its haed. then you used your ex's hand while he was asleep to make bruises on his kneck."
"lies!" rebecca was sobbing now.
"you have been in an asylum for the past 2 years."
"stop! please!"
"you have collapsed so they sent you to a hospital. you should be waking up soon. goodbye rebecca but we will meet very soon."
rebecca opened her eyes. she was in a hospital. it was all true. to her left there was a nurse smiling.
"finally you're awake." she said. "you have a visitor." the nurse left the room and another women entered.
"hello rebecca."
"yes. but im also your conscious. are you ready to let go." rebecca understood. she smiled and nodded. audrey drew close almost a foot away. she bent down. and placed her soft lips on rebeccas. and then stepped back. the moniter started to bepp faster. and faster. and faster. two nurses ran in. on placed a pump on your mouth and started squeezing it. audrey said something but she couldn't hear it. she read her lips. audrey said goodbye rebecca.
"c'mon stay with me! one. two. three. one. two. three. c'mon!" rebecca closed her eyes and smiled.
"im free"