

Set in Who's Ways
The fact of change is an illusion. Kind of. so much is ever changing, yet.. all the history points remain the same. each plague and many successes even. History repeats itself. and we are addicted, yet terrified, of change. What if we did win that war? or unsink that ship? what if we already ha the cure to the bubonic plague. fever 1776. that's one of my favorite books. And yet. here we are in 2020 afraid of a corona covid. I'm more afraid of the covideo. fake transparency. I drink the Corona because I'm aware all it needs is either 2 hands 1 mouth. or a lime. I am not afraid. Set in stone, they say? like a snake on a rock. Job in the bible pondered the way of a snake on a rock. well, he is the record keeper. the honest witness. the interpreter of heiroglyphics, memories, and letters. curves shaped to form a quantam sound from the double edged sword we call a tongue. the tongue. well... the tongue has the power of life and death. that's what the Bible says. I believe these old timers. yes I do. and the exquisiteness and imperativeness that comes upon a master composer. oh the wisdom it takes to decipher the mind of just one poem. just one story. and the grandest of all designs. the most sold book in the entire world AND the one given away for free more than any other. the most wide spread book.
The Holy Bible.
I am in love.
yes I am in love with you. But also the pen and the mind of how it's put together. the wit it takes to bind.
For this is our weapon.
our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. that's what I've heard.
there's much more for me to write to job. oh? and I will. And I have. and to meet him? or her? I just might fall on my knees. curl up in a little ball. ANd SMILE. or whatever else other human emotion compells me.
oh I wish it were the same as old.
I'm still waiting.
"soon, my love."
how captivating.
so no, I don't believe in fate on a straight forward timeline. I believe in fate that falls in love with free will..and then hides it for safety. like dendrite roots. that's what my timeline looks like. like your family tree, perhaps. And it's even more..my friend.. than that.
pick up an old book.
call an old friend.
let an old soul be innocent again.

for the only reason fate is set in its ways is because we all have the same lessons to learn eventually. and once we learn those. .
the all of all
of all
© chorus chrubble