

To travel the world and be free to see that there is more to life than learnt or read in books. To joyfully see God's creation and to be astonished at his marvellous beautiful creation. Man too has made his contribution through imagination. it's a gel of God and Man that is the marvelous journey that I want to take. To see both their spirits shine through all hard times.

Now I am looking through the window and opened my own eyes to see the world around me. To see the green parrot's, Eagles,crow, squirrel and the pathways leading to my home. The Journey has now shifted from the world outside to the world inside. The world inside is too vast and diverse, each day a new pathway shows up , a new imagine, a new creation everything inside my own beautiful mind.

The roads to my own inner self has never been travelled nor explored by me , it's more like the road least taken. There is more to see inside me the cutroads, the crevices, the massive creation by divine. How did I miss this all these years, it wanted a reason for me to sit down to be silent and to travel inwards than travel the world.

Divine did you have to shut down the whole world for me to return back to self to know the meaning of life?.

Yes I am exploring me and then I will explore the world in a new light. All are invited 💓💓💓💓

© nishineni