

The Last tear:Part 4
Amira reached New York and was just going to Danah's hostel.She almost reached when she saw a tall man standing in front of her.He was wearing a black suit, which seems expensive and was facing his back towards Amira.
“Arsalan?”Amira spoke.
That man turned around and spoke merrily,“Oh Amira! You are here.Wow!what a coincidence.”
Arsalan was the son of Uncle Aqib and cousin brother of the three sisters.
Arsalan was living in Brazil for a while.
Though Amira hate Uncle Aqib but all the sisters had a very close relation with Arsalan.
“Yeah!It has been years.I just came here to take Danah back to Columbia.And you? You must be here because of your dad?”said Amira.
“No I'm not here because of him.I came here for some personal work.”Arsalan replied.
“Oh I see.”
“Actually I am quite in a hurry.Let's meet another time.”Arsalan said and started leaving.
“Come to Columbia sometime.”Amira said.
“For sure.”he said and left.
‘He is behaving strange.’thought Amira and left for Dannah.
Dannah was waiting outside the hostel.
“Hey, Sistie.”she called
“Hello Danu.”Amira said and hugged her. “I've already talked to the administration about the safety purpose and we still have a lot of time left.I have seen some beautiful dresses on the way, let's go for shopping.”she added
After all day shopping finally they were back to Columbia.
Next day, all three were sitting silently on the sofa with there cup of tea when suddenly someone knocked.Dannah went to open the door.
“Who is it Dannah?”Aamna asked.
“Why is she not replying?”asked Amira.

Who was on the door so early in the morning??
Why Dannah was not replying?

Know in next part..

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