

My comic boy.
My name is Hera, I am 18 years old. I am studying in shani school.

That day, changed my whole life.

It was evening, the sun almost setted. I was running to my house from my school.

Then, I saw him.
His name is Tian.

Hera-"ahh ahh"running.
Hera-"Ah" she hitted a boy on his head.
Hera-"I am so sorry" she went without looking him.

Tian-"so, it is she!! "

In here's home....
Hera-"maa, are you okay? "
Xe nwi-"I am okay dear! "
Hera-"maa, I am so scared"
Xe nwi-"hmm,you forget your bag to bring, again? "
Hera- "maa,really I am so scared"said with tears.
Xe nwi- "I know dear, get up and fresh up first "
Hera-"but, my bag! "
Xe nwi- "tomorrow, you will go to school naa, then you can take🙂"
Hera-"maa, you are really something "with tears.
Xe nwi- "go, go fresh up, I will make you something to eat"
Hera- "okay"
She went up to bath.

Hera- my mom has a hole in heart, the doctors said it will take so much money to operation, but my mom was afraid to surgery's, operations. I should earn money for operation. (Thinking)

Xe nwi- "Hera, if you over, come down to eat!! '
Hera- "ha,maa"

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂laughing both.

Hera- it should be a nice day, to hear the voice of parrots, and seeing the sunrise.(enjoying the view by seeing through her window of bedroom)
Xe nwi- "Hera, time to school"
Hera- oh noo, I should hurry"
Xe nwi- "eat this and go"
Hera- no way maa, time over. " she ran to school with a pen and bottle.

In school,.....
Hera- oh, god, the teacher didn't come early, today"
Sara-"of course, she was"
Hera- "what? "
Sara-"she is correcting your test papers "
Hera- "oh noo"
Science teacher -"Hera? "
Hera-"yes miss"
Science teacher -"you got, 15marks"
Science teacher-"out of 40 marks😠"
Hera- "😰😵"
Science teacher -"stand out!! "
Hera went outside of the class and stood outside.
Tian-"hi! "
Hera- "hi"
Tian-"so, what's up? "
Hera- "nothing, wait, did I know you? "
Tian-"no! "
Hera- "then, do you know me? "
Tian-"no! "
Hera-"then,.. Please go out of my way, if miss saw me, she will ask me to clean full school! " asked him with fear.
Tian-"okay, then BYE"
Hera- "bye"
Tian-"By the way you know the formula of BYE? "
Hera- "sorry, no! "
Tian-"it is, B- boy
E-ever love me?"
Hera- "hahahaa"
Science teacher-"clean full school! "Shouted.
Hera- "okay mam.. "
Hera- "oh no, I am cleaning full school"
Tian-"do you want any help? "
Hera- "you?, please no"
Tian-"its okay, I cannot do anyway, my hand has a wound"
Tian- "it happened two days back"
Hera-"hey, are you really this school? "
Tian-"why? "
Hera-" just! "
Next day,
Sara-"hey, how is your hand? "
Hera-"no,I can't stand anymore! "
Sara-"so sad! "
Hera-"do you know something? When we saw our school from outside, it is so small, tiny. But, when we tasked or punished to clean it, it looks like a whole world! "
Sara-"so, yesterday, how it is? "
Hera-"its like a hell"
Mouni-"hey, sara? Mam asked you to meet her once"
Sara-"haa, okay, thank you"
Hera-"what for? "
Sara-"I don't know! "
Hera-"okay go"
Sara-"hmm, bye"
Hera-"never say bye to boys "
Sara-"why? "
Hera-"because,B- boy
E-ever love me?"
Sara-"haha, okay bye my love! "
Tian is watching all this from terrace.
Hera-"hmm, what to do now? "She kicked a rock with force and she tilted to back then Tian held her.
Hera-"hey, you? "
Tian-"why? I shouldn't? "
Hera-"haha"cleared her throat and said.
Hera-"thank You "
Tian-"I never thought that it was you? "
Hera-"what? "
Tian-"nothing, nothing! "
Hera-"then,can you please leave me"
Tian-"oh sorry "he took his hands from her waist.
Hera fell down.
Hera- "ouch,my legs!! "
Tian-"voo, I am sorry, are you okay? "
Hera-"no, I can't stand"
Tian-"then, can I call ambulance? "
Hera-"😒😖😭"started to cry.
Tian-"okay, okay, cool, I will take you to nurse room. "She lifted her and and took her to nurses room.
In nurse room,
Tian-"finally, we ar e here"
Hera will be slept on his shoulders.
Tian looked towards Here's eyes.
After a minute-
Tian-"what is this? I brought you here from playground, but you slept without thinking of me? 😑"he slepted her on a bed.
Tian-"O M G-for,

He went from there.
Hera-"no way, I slept whole day? "
Nurse-"are you okay now?"
Hera-"yes mam"

In her home,.....
|I am going to my sister's
|house, hope you will be
|safe at home. I did some
|dishes, you can eat, if you
|want anything,please
|prepare by yourself
| your sweet mom|
Hera-"maa? "with sad emotion.
Sara-"hey, let's go to lybrabry, until your leg heal. "
Hera-"nice idea! "
In lybrabry,
Sara-"hey what about this book? "
Sara-"what about this? "
Sara-"what about..? "
Hera-"I hate science "
Sara-"then, this? "
Hera-"wow, a comic? In our school? "
Sara-"they said, they throwed all comic books outside! "
Hera-"then, shall we read? 😏"
Sara, Hera-"hahahahahah, usshh, silent"
Sara-"today, we enjoyed a lot"
Sara- "okay, I will go"
Hera-"hmm, let's see again tomorrow! "
Tian-"hey? "
Hera-"who is it? "Turned back to see.
Tian- "here"
Hera turned left and sawed Tian.
Hera-"oh, its you! "
Hera-"so, what? "
Tian-"I think you forget to say thanks?! "Asked with shy and with a slight smile.
Hera-"for what? "
Tian-"I took you to nurses room! " remainded her.
Hera-"but, you are the one, who throwed me down"
Tian-"but I tried to protect"
Hera-"but, did I asked you to protect me? "
............ That Night,
Hera- "I didn't saw him in this school before. Who is he? Did he is new transfer student? "(Thinking all this while bathing)
Tian-"Are you asking about me? "
Hera-"ha? "Turned back to see.
Hera-"aaaaaaaaaa"shouted and shocked to see Tian in her bathroom.
Hera rubbed her eyes and sawed all the sides.
Hera-"its suspicious, I just saw Tian now I my bathroom, where did he go in a second "

Next morning,

Sara-"hey, you got dark circles, did you saw any new movie? "
Hera-"I was afraid that he may come again"
Sara-"he? Who? "
Hera-"I don't know his name"

On Afternoon,
Hera-"did I has to read this science? "
Tian-"if you don't want then don't "whispered in her ears.
Hera turned her head and sawed Tian sitting beside her and close to her.Hera shouted.
Science teacher-"stand outside 😠"
Hera stood outside.
Tian-"so, sad"
Hera-"what do you want? Why you always appears and throws me in troubles, ran fast like a air and invisible ? "
Tian-"Did you finished? Take long breathe and count 1-10,your mind will be in peace! "
Hera took long breathe and started to count numbers
Hera-"1,.. 2,.. 3,.. 4,.. Wait, why I am doing this? "
Tian-"Because you should"
Hera-"stop it"
Hera turned her head into left side.
Tian-"Hera! Look at me! "
Hera turned her head into right side.
Tian-"Hera? "
Hera-"I don't want to talk to you"
Tian-"I came from a comic book, please help me" Requested her.
Hera-"Now, you are trying to fool me! "
Tian-"no, its truth, I am from comic book"
Hera pretending to not listening.
Tian-"Hera? Hera? Listen "
Tian held her hand took her to librabry.
Hera-"what are you doing? Leave my hand"
Tian searched all rows for a book.
Hera-"what are you doing? Why are you throwing all books down?
Tian-"yes, yes, this one? "
Hera-"what he is doing? Did he is mad? "Talking to herself.
Hera-"oh no, I can't stand anymore, hey untie my hands from this chair"
Tian came towards Hera with a books and a smile.
Tian-"Did you read this book? "Asked.
Hera-"what's that? "
Tian-" 'Tian's journey' the book's title! "
Hera-"I heared this book name from my science teacher! "
Tian-"this is my book, From this book I came to this world! "
Hera-"oh, god. Please help me! I sawed so many movies like this. Whom are trying to fool me? "
Tian grabbed her hand and took her to the librabry's window where the sun rays are falling.
Hera-"leave my hand? Or else I will shout"
Tian-"if you want to do that, you would did before only"
Hera-"I just want to know, who are you? "

"I am 20years, scientist. My name is Tian Tu. I studied science to fulfill my fathers wish. When I was 19years, I had a girlfriend name 'momo', she is also interested in science. She use to wait up to evening to my online class and she is a top ranker, but I don't know what happened, she said that she got Frustration on science subject, and she never came to science class. Then I came to know the word of WORST-
W-where people
O-owe on their
R-rest of life,
S-example is

My father died on a train accident, the my mother who used to be good, very young, and healthy was died from severe fever.
I felt lonely, disappointed, and then I came to know that the world where I used to live is actually a book. Then my skin doesn't show me the arra of mine and then my eyes went up to the top. Then,... "
Hera-"stop it, I should sleep to night, whom are you trying to scare? "
Tian-"it is my story"
Hera-"I don't know who the author is, it he did a mistake that he should keep the title as 'Tian's sad life', How os it Tian? "

Tian turned towards the window(kept face outside of the window) and looked up to the SUN.
Hera-"what's wrong? "
Tian-"I don't know why I know that, the world where I used to live is a comic book? And, why you only can saw me? Did I go back? "
Hera-"means, I am the only one who can see you? "
Tian-"yes, you are the one only who can help me to go back! "
Hera-"what should I do now? "Said herself.
Tian-"please help me! "
Hera-"but what I have to do? "
Tian-"for this question 🤔
Maybe, I don't know "
Hera-"what maybe? "
Tian-"I asked you to help me, because I don't know, but if you are only asking me to what to do? What I has to do?"
Hera-"please don't talk, I am requesting, I will only think something"
Tian-"I think you should go home! "
Hera looked outside, the sun already setted and the moon also came to his place.
Hera-"oh no, I should go"
Hera ran to home before school gates closed.
In home,
Hera-"this too though, I can't imagine with my eyes"
Tian-"but, it is real"
Hera-"yeah, I know"
Hera-"wait, why are you here? "
Tian-"of course, where can I go"
Hera-"but, this is my house"
Tian-"so what, these days I sleeping in your house only! "
Hera-"really? How come I don't know? "
Tian-"because, you are too sleepy"
Hera-"then, before also in bathroom.. Is it you? ". Tian-"ahh"clearing throat.
Hera-"means, you!!!! "
Tian-"don't beat me!? "
Hera-"how dare you to come.....!!! "
Tian-"ouch, don't, wait(shouted), are you taking any advantage that, you can saw me and touch me, so you are... "
Hera-"cut the crap. How dare you to see when I am bathing...... "
Next morning,
Tian-"I think she will like it! "
Hera-"good morning! "
After one second..
Hera-"wow, you cooked? "
Tian-"yes mam! "
Hera-"then, I should try it"
Tian-"hmm, eat it"
Hera-"its delicious "
Tian-"really, thank you "
Hera-"come, sit and eat"
Tian-"I can't eat"
Hera-"why? "
|hmm(taking heavy breath |of soup), nice she will like
|it. Let's taste it! Why can't
|I eat this? "
Hera-"I am sorry "
Tian-"hahah"laughing with sad expression.
Hera-"wait, you said that you came out of the book because you thought that your life has nothing to do it is over, means you feeled something with huge pressure, is it? "
Hera-"so, you came out from the book but you we're unable to touch anyone even things,right? "
Tian-"yes! "
Hera-"but, you said that, the day when the sun is going down and the moon is ready to come up, then you sawed me and I able to touch you"
Tian-"so, if we do exactly like that, I can go back! "
Hera-"but.. "
Tian-"I know it "
Hera-"you are not having anyone and your life is also
.... "
Tian-"Hera, I want say to something that, every book can't be place in our hearts,
But, the only one we can keep in our hearts is US
So, I am happy to go back, but my world is a book with 58pages, thats it"
Hera-okay, then we can do tomorrow evening "
Calling bell ringing...........
Hera-"who is it? "Opens the door.
Hera-"hey, Roy? What a surprise? "
Roy-"Something urgent! "
Hera-"what happened? "
Roy-"your mother.. "
Hera-"My mother? "
Roy-"your mother is in hospital" (said while crying)
Hera-"mother is in hospital? "She sat down on the floor with a shock.
Tian-"Hera? "
In hospital,
Hera-"maa? "
Xe nwi-"hera?! "
Hera-"maa, why did you do this? "
Xe nwi- "because of you"
Hera-"because of me?then you should say to me, if you want to do(shouted) "
Doctors -"mam,please go outside, you can't come in"
Hera-"maa? Maa? Ma? "
Nurses closed the door.
Hera-"I never thought that this will happen! "
Tian-"that is called as LIFE"
can't stand anymore in this love "
Hera went out from hospital.
Roy-"Hera" grabbed her hand.
Hera-"why did you followed me"
Roy-"to.. "
Hera-"To say, I am sorry? "
Roy-"to say, you can't act anymore "
Hera-"what? "With no expression.
Roy-"just split it out, because I want to see, how you will be when you are crying "
I, Hera cried the whole night. I know my mom can't come back, but I also cried of losing a friend, sorry a genius scientist, who cam from the comic book. My comic boy, I don't know, when I will see him again. But I wish there is chance of a disposal flower to bloom again.
After This day, afterthis evening, after sunset I can't see him again..
Tian- Thank you, but I have a question to ask, why only you can see me and touch? Why only you? "

I also don't the answer for his question, in this whole world, why only me?
Hera-"I wish I could meet you again"
Then he said,
Tian-"when, the world Reborn, when the sun ready to rise, and when the flowers rise to fall, hope we will meet again! "

Held hands each other, and saw the sunset together.
Tian- "I wish Hera should be happy in her life"wished.
Hera-"I wish Tian should be happy in his life"wished.
The sun setted,
Hera turned her head and sawed,smiled.

D-deal with us.

© Heera2977