

A Stowaway On The Ark
Mr. Duck was sleeping then big foot steps woke him up. Mr. Duck saw animals marching side by side seven by seven and then he saw more animals walking but this time they were walking two by two Mr. Duck didn’t understand what was going on and so he decided to follow the animals. Mr. Duck tried to ask some of the animals where were they going but they were too busy to respond to Mr. Duck. The animals were still walking and up ahead Mr. Duck could see a huge boat shape then he saw the first pairs of animals walking in seven by seven and then he saw animals walking in two by two. Mr. Duck thought that this could be a human trapping all animals to kill and eat but then he noticed that the sky is cloudy there could be a rainstorm. Mr. Duck saw an old man that was wearing a robe then he heard the old man saying two by two then Mr. Duck saw two ducks getting in the boat but Mr. Duck didn’t won’t to get wet he wanted to stay dry like the other animals. Mr. Duck sneaked into the boat and then lightning struck the door closed everybody was getting into their rooms. Mr. Duck was trying to find somewhere to stay he tried to sleep where the hippos were but he almost got squished by an male hippo’s butt it was so big and round thank goodness Mr. Duck escape. Mr. Duck tried to sleep where the rhinos were at but the male rhino was getting mad because he wanted him and his wife to have their room all to themselves. Mr. Duck tried to sleep in the room with the elephants but he almost got stomped by their big foots. It started raining it rain and it rained it rain days and nights non stop then the flood waters started rising and every living thing started perishing. Mr. Duck heard lightning sounds, waters splashing against the boat. Mr. Duck and all of the animals was sliding out of their rooms because of the boat was rocking backwards and forwards the boat was floating on the waters. Soon the rain stopped the sun came out Mr. Duck heard the old man talking he said he was going to send a bird out to go find dry land. Mr Duck found out that the man who built this boat is named Noah and he found that the boat that Noah had built is called an ark it was supposed to save Noah and the animals from the great flood that had happened. The bird came back but there was no land to be found so they all waited for seven days and when seven days came Noah sent out another bird to go find dry land and when the bird came back this time she had an olive leaf branch in her beak that means that the flood was over. Soon it was time to come of the ark all of the animals were so happy to get back on dry land and even Noah was happy he thank GOD then a rainbow appeared up in the sky it was the promise of GOD.
© All Rights Reserved Sir Calvin Nance