

Fix it or 💔 it... Be Classic 😉
Not always you can fix everything,
But if you are attentive, you will realize if someone is not doing well or feeling well or don't wants to be in contact or there is something not willing to discuss. Once you realize take immediate steps, put some care, emotions, to understand how can you improve the relationship!

If you remain silent, even after realizing what mistakes you have done or if something you didn't do as per the expectations of the other and not even taking out time to discuss or care, that means you are closing the door of your heart knowingly or unknowingly! Next it's just the choice of other person... If they would have enough self respect and the sooner they will realize, they are not waiting but wasting their time... They will try their best to leave!

Always enquiry and ask the other how good are you doing in a relationship or they expect any improvements in your efforts ! Work on yourself and your relationships...!
They are like plants as you are! To grow they will need your care, support and willingness to strive to be alive! Once they died you can never rebirth it. You may forgive the other person, yourself, the whole situation, the time but you won't be able to change the heart felt painful experiences.

May no one ever feel hurtful around you ever! May everyone flourish, may be momentarily it will feel a little painful or hard work but your soul will flourish, joyful and feel more satisfied, the more people you can help in this journey called life. So don't think what you will get, because you will get a lot of satisfaction and could avoid lots of pain causing to yourself or others!

And everytime you felt, it's becoming toxic and you should not continue a relationship anymore, talk to them, resolve it calmly. Be forgiving and even say sorry, if you feel you are hurting... never end it up with anxiety or anger but with compassion! Because the other person is also a human being, even if no one to you now, was everything at one point, that's why you were together. And it's told that the negative karmic cycles are stronger than positive ones. So forgive others even if you feel the hurt is deeper enough, and forget... don't continue that for lives, which you can't for few days.

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