

Why Didn't They Like Me?
Realization in thought as I was doing the dishes this morning, that sort of "Aha" moment that is like an evolutionary leap for our minds. I welcome them with open mind, heart, and soul...it means I am doing my part in the collective push for mankind to evolve beyond borders. Beyond separation, age, color, opinion.

I am relishing every leap as I age, as I know within me that my parents brought their own fears, inadequacies, and agendas while I was in their care for about 8 years.

There are many, many stories collected here at this point but this morning?! Oh My Gawd...especially my mother. They were jealous of me.
I spent about 4 years with Francis and Irene Haar as my adoptive parents and I'm absolutely certain they were instrumental in shaping some of my core personality traits. I'm just glad it was well before all the crap that had fallen on me to bear.

It's evident even in the many photographs I have. The multitude of stories, and the repeated attempts of abandonment, bullying, living in constant fear of physical and verbal reprimands that instead of being honest, forthright, nurturing and encouraging, they looked at me as a nuisance.

I've extended the olive branch more times than I care to mention. After all, we are hard wired to want what we do not have.

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