

It was our farewell that day.. Probably the last time I would ever see her.. We hadn't conversed in quite some time bec of petty differences between us.. I texted her asking if I could come pick her up.. Naturally, she couldn't make sense of it but went along.. I stood there waiting for her, all dressed up nice and smart in a suit.. Then she came.. Oh boy, did she come.. I stood there, staring at her.. Couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything.. She was wearing the prettiest blue and yellow saree.. Yellow really brings out the colour of her eyes.. She asked me how she looked.. I gathered all the energy I could and just said, "Wow".. She got a shyful blush on her cheeks, which made me even more nervous.. The entire event, I kept stealing glances.. I couldn't help it.. That day was the last time I would ever see her, and she was just there, looking and being the wonderful miracle she was..