

What Shot Below That Tea Cup
I was sitting in my living room
And I was reading drinking tea
Then I here the sound of a car
crashing into my gate. Once I hear
this I jump and walk over to the
Window. My name is Colinda
And I am home owner who loved
her Area until now. Oh my the crash
And the man gets out the car with
blood on his head hands and waving
A gun in the air yell I am going to
kill you. He was yelling it to the man
And lady in the car. The lady says oh
So now you want to off us. Where is
that gold you promised us you said
you knew where it was now you drove
us here and no gold a wild goose chase with no facts to grab on to
No I want nothing to do with you.
Then he holds the gun in the air at
her and says. Die then
He. shoots an she. falls on the ground
And the man takes off. running I get
To the phone and call a police an ambulance. But he waves his gun at
my window and shoots as if he knew
what I was doing. And he runs to my door and starts banging on it I run into my kitchen and get the frying pan to beat him with if he gets in here. I have seen my share of crime before. But nothing like this where the. people
crashing into your. property and wave a gun at you and wanting to shoot me
I was a by stander not the reason for
there misfortune. So there rage had me upset. And I yelled. don't break my
door. jerk this not my problem you brought this. mess here now you clean
it up fool. Don't blame me for the actions of you and your crew. He yells
You have to die I know you got that
shit lady and you had it for years bearyed in that yard some where.
No I don't and you don't know me
well enough to know what I got where.
So he shoots at the glass again and I tell him why are you hear and why do you think that I am anything like you
And your crew which one of them you just killed. In my day men didn't kill
lady's. They loved us and gave us flowers and roses. cherished us as if
we were the most important things
now you are acting like an add. So don't bring this kind of behavior to
my door. So she runs away from where he can see her and she gets water and takes her medicine. she was
dying a. quiet life in retirement all these years. So after she got the medicine. She got a gun out of her
shoe box in her closet by her bed room. She felt. threaten. So she reacted within the moment. A true
lady not a crazy women. So she got
that piece and. put on her bullet proof
vest and she had her keys and went outside and shot that man dead. You
are. intruding dead man now. So she runs around the car and sees another
man in there bleeding. Then she looks into his eyes. Oh what are you doing
here. It was her ex husband. and he sat
in the car dieing. Oh I never ment to
hurt you this man was so evil and he wanted to kill you so I acted like a bad guy and got to know him then he drove us here an said some crazy story
About gold an you so I was like when
he makes his move I will be right here
To stop stop him at every turn. But he got to high and mighty and he was angry at me. for crimes which I knew nothing about bit you are my lady my love and I will always remember you. as that. So now do you understand why. I had to stop him and. crash to give you a sign that trouble was heading towards you get the gun and shoot it down before it hurts you I love you and then he dies in my arms
And I am now crying and the police finally get here and I show them. My
yard and my dead ex husband cause
they wanted to know why I was crying.
He died an crashed in to my house cause this man wanted to kill me so
I got him before he could. get me but
he hurt my ex husband and he shoot a
lady right in front of my window yelling you got gold lady give it to me
where is it and I was in my house I yelled back at him . Saying I don't know you And why did you bring this to my home. And he threatens me and
he shoot at my window he killed some lady in front of me clearly this was a
men with an ax which he wanted to
put me out of the pic with so to speak.So I can not understand why
this happened but it was brought to my home. So I gave my statement and
the cops say they will be. back to me
So I sit alone crying on my porch.
And the cops talk it over by the police car. The neighbor and other people say what she said was true so I can't
charge her with murder. Ok let's give her the news and tell her so they do
And she is glad but sad because he ex husband. got killed and she never wanted that or some strange loco man
To ever terrorize her in the way which he did before he got shot. And if he
had not died he may have killed the
whole block for sure. So the police
call the coroner. and they pick up the
body's of my ex husband, that other
loco man , and that strange lady who
was killed by that man. And I sit and
watch them work until finished and they drive of layering into the night with markers on the ground an crime
scene tape all around my front yard and chalk marking where the body's where and. tape saying caution do not
enter. Then I go into my house and I
lock the door and put on the tea kettle.
And. I see a number it was a combo nation number to open a lock and once opened. I could maybe learn
more about this case.
So I take it and go down in my basement and I see a wall and it's glued up but I grab a hatchet and
begin banging at it with great strength
until I uncover a big chest in my wall
And it had a combination. lock on
it and I work the lock by using the numbers I had found on the note to
open the chest and sure as I was standing there the. gold bars and lots
of money which I could not understand. But with it I found a note
If you are finding this now there are so many things I never told you about my life before I met you.
And the adventures. I had encountered on my travels abroad.
I was a treasurer Hunter who went
on many excavations. And worked with the brightest and best staff ever
And we unearthed so wonders which are here in this chest . I put it in the
wall to protect it because if it ever
got out where I kept my treasures.
We would be targets of bad people
And they would try to kill us over
these items which I have in this chest.
So do what you wish with my best gold items they are now all yours.
So I laugh all this time I thought my
love was a con man but he was a very
important excavator which left me
with the best gift ever his collections
of fine gold. Wow he was better. to
me after he was gone then when he
was living. So I look over the items
And say I never thought this was true
when that crazy man was yelling about it earlier. And the money I count it
oh and was I surprised it was 50,000
dollars in hundreds.Oh. And I needed this to fix the house which this crazy man crashed into while I was drinking my tea earlier. So I set it on the floor
And go back upstairs. my tea kettle was making noises as if. it was ready
And I got my tea cup and I pored
some and added a sugar substitute
To be watching my figure I was even
if what I loved had died in a car tonight. Maybe I could find love once again. who knows now in these times with a pandemic of covid19 . And where we have to stay home and be safe. You never think someone would come to your home and mess it up .Oh this is so uncalled for. And would have been unheard of when I was growing up. So this night I thanked my lucky stars in the sky as clear as a light shining from the moon
on a wonderful lit night. That I was still alive because if I never looked up
And protected myself this could have gone a whole nother way which maybe
I would not be drinking this tea.
But I will do some good with this find.
I will donate some then with the rest
sell some and live better then how I was living. Cause if we all could we all
would live in luxury baby to a tea you know to a tea. So I drink and smile at my tea and look up at my chandelier
And laugh. What a wonderful surprise
you have given me mister dead man
after all. So the phone rings I say hello
And it's the. it's they say it's some back
taxes I owe for I say what cause I praised all mine but then I tell the person on the other end of that call
the it's does not call people they only send letters then the caller hangs up
Oh if these screamers don't stop I may have to use the gun again wow it is
really to much bullshit out here that keeps you on your toes to be hip to it before it goes down my friends out here which and make sure so things are on the up an up cause false is all around every where and some times
everybody. But I think I want a vacation to a warm tropical place
I wonder if it's less crime in a place like this maybe but I was about to sell some gold y'all and find out . So I call my travel agent and talk to her about
vacationing. an she laughs I been trying to get you to go on a cruise for months what made you change your mind. Well I had a certain change of heart about what I was doing and I wanted to retire. in a warm region
With a wonderful out look on where I could go from here. on out. But let me know some of the best rates and hotels dinning and also travel by car
And bus. would be wonderful ok. sure
thank you I will put some stuff together and get back to you on this
ok . Sounds go then I hang up the phone. But I can't let anybody know where I got these treasures from my
die lover and best friend my ex husband. with wonderful taste yes
he did have an eye for gold I can tell by his collections. Why they the bad
people where trying to off him. But
I will now kill anyone who stands in my way and drink some go tea along the way.