

Growing up in the Country
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially when I would play with my agemates.
Running around the whole neighborhood, knocking on people's doors and running away. Interchanging clothes while playing hide and seek to confuse the seeker.
We were very stubborn kids, on our way from school to home we would play soccer along the way and our shoes would get damaged from time to time. It was very crazy and reckless but that's how we kept ourselves happy. Growing up in the country is one of the most amazing things everyone needs to experience growing up as a child.
How could I possibly forget one old woman who used to climb her mango tree her self and if she found you in the tree she would wait for you to come down and behold, cains from her non stop. So, one day one of my close childhood friends beat up one of her pigs and he thought she hadn't realized. The next thing we saw was her tiptoeing towards him and Caining him.
Last but not the least was during Christmas, we would be given to much food compared to the usual days and we would eat half way and start racing around with the belief it will get digested faster.
Had so many great memories growing up that can't be forgotten but can only share a few.
Thanks for reading.
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