

Small things...
Time was winding down, things were starting to come together. Tuesday evening about 4:45 the carpenters cleaned up to leave for the day. Storm went to the kitchen to get a snack and take a break. Good night Ms Lee they said passing through the kitchen. The sound of the drill coming from the bedroom stopped caught her attention. Continuing to make her sandwich she didn't notice Evelan standing in the doorway.
He tapped on the door I didn't want to scare you. Storm got a feeling but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but she liked the way it felt.
Are you about to leave she asked, Evelan walked I closer. She touched on the feeling it was having him there and he was about to go
She didn't even know this man not really but
she liked the feeling of him in her house. It's strange he said but I don't want to go.
Storm smiled and shook her head this is the thing Evelan and I hope that we can be honest here, we are touching on something that's not in our control she said. Do you want to control it he asked, we don't know each other this attraction is moving much too fast.
Tell me something Stormy when was the last time that you felt something like this. Storm stopped making the sandwich, Ok she said if we are going to talk let's be real not holding nothing back. Are you seeing anyone
she asked, no he said not at the moment it's
been a while. Are you seeing anyone he asked, no because this feeling only come alone once in a while and most don't even know what it is and take it for granted and somehow messing it up by making excuses to kill it. So why are you making excuses, it's not that I'm making excuses I'm being cautious she said. They both just stood there staring at each other Storm broke the stare
stay for dinner she said I don't know what you like but we can fix something.
I'm dirty he said excuse she said. See that's what I'm talking about these days people allow the smallest thing to ruin a relationship.
You were here all day standing on a latter
working on a sky light in my bedroom and
you think you being dirty matters, Spaghetti she said. Looking at her with a slight smile
Evelan leaned his head to the side and watched as Storm walked around the room gathering things. Can I help he asked do you cook, yeah I can burn a few things, you're that good huh she said. They started moving around the kitchen ,Evelan starting peeling an onion cutting bell pepper and throwing the other spices together. A glance of want coming from them both each time they looked at each other.