


The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end but I could still hear it coming closer and closing in on me. As I slowly turned my back, I could hear the way you growling of a hungry alpha Leader. I locked my eyes with it's and it slowly moved. Just as I thought it was retreating it pounced..... Thankfully it was just a dream.

I woke up in the morning confused about whether I had a dream or it was my imagination but my drowsiness said something else. I lived a peaceful life until I came to work in the Elder grade Country.
My boss, Mr Cronne was a weird lot. He always had an angry look on his face and I wondered how his wife survived living with him. When he summoned me to his office, I always thought of the worst but he always told me to plan his schedule for the day and I always did so.
That, the issue that I was always with the handsome boss seemed to annoy my female seniors but anyway I didn't care because I was there to work not date the boss. And anyway he was not just my type but my best friend Samantha seemed to think the opposite of my thoughts...

Short story update. Follow to know more.