

Riverdale Hidden School (Origin Chapter 1

In the town California , a hidden world thrived, unbeknownst to its human inhabitants. For 700,000 years, vampires, wolves, and witches lived secretly among humans, their existence a mere whisper in the wind.

Vampires, the oldest mystical beings, were classified into two groups: the Originals, ancient and powerful, and the new blood suckers, weak and dependent on human blood for survival. Wolves and witches roamed the night, seeking freedom from human oppression.

Five mysterious masters, seeking a haven for their kind, joined forces with the town's chiefs to build a secret school. They chose a remote location, deep in the forest, and cast a protective spell around it. The school became a sanctuary, where supernatural beings could roam free from human detection.

The wolf packs took an oath to harm no human, while vampires vowed to resist the temptation of sweet human blood. Witches pledged to avoid using humans as sacrifices for their dark magic. Thus, the mysterious beings united, forming a community within the hidden school's walls.

As the school's foundation was laid, the five masters gathered to christen their new haven. They stood atop a hill, overlooking the forest, and gazed out at the winding river below.

"We need a name for our sanctuary," said the lead master, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Something that reflects our bond with nature," added a witch, her long hair rustling in the wind.

"And our commitment to secrecy," whispered a vampire, his fangs glinting in the moonlight.

The group fell silent, pondering the perfect name. Suddenly, a young wolf spoke up, "Riverdale! Let us call it Riverdale, for the river that winds through our land and the valley that shelters us."

The others nodded in agreement, and the name Riverdale was born. As they spoke the words, the wind whispered through the trees, carrying the name into the night, and the hidden school's destiny was sealed.
With these promises, the mysterious beings joined forces, creating a harmonious community within the hidden school's walls.
For a time, humans and supernatural creatures lived in relative peace, their bloodshed a thing of the past. However, not everyone was convinced of the strength of this alliance. Some wondered if they were truly safe.
In a dimly lit classroom, Professor Orion addressed his students, a mix of vampires, wolves, witches, and other supernatural beings. "Remember, our forefathers worked tirelessly to establish this peace. We must honor their legacy."

Michael Sonaric, a curious young vampire, raised his hand. "Professor, I thought we were the strongest among all? I mean, even the weakest vampires and wolves are more powerful than humans."

Professor Orion chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Strongest? Ha! You're no elf, Michael. Your kind may have powers, but you're not invincible." replied Jake.

Elderly Professor Elwes intervened, his voice calm and soothing. "Silence, little master jake. Michael has the right to ask questions. We fear the Ultras, an ancient and powerful force, who possess sorcerers capable of destroying all vampires, wolves, witches, and humans with a mere thought."

A young girl with curly black hair asked, "But, Professor, why won't the Ultras want peace? Our forefathers worked so hard to achieve it."

Professor Elwes' expression turned somber. "The Ultras believe peace is a weakness. Their Western pack was decimated by humans long ago, and they've held a grudge ever since. Class dismissed."

With that, the professor stood, folding his hands behind his back, and the students filed out of the classroom, lost in thought. The Ultras' existence cast a shadow over the fragile peace, a reminder that even in harmony, danger lurked in the shadows.
After class, Professor Orion approached Lutra. "Hold on, Lutra. Don't you have any questions for today?"

Lutra smiled mischievously. "Why would I fear what I already am?" He turned to leave, but the professor's next words stopped him.

"Strange, very strange. You're full of surprises every day, Lutra."
lutra smiled and exit.
Lutra's mother, who was standing nearby, chimed in, "You haven't taken your breakfast before you left, Lutra. If your father finds out, he'll be very angry. Come, the blood is fresh. Sit down at the dining room table."

Lutra reluctantly sat down, his eyes fixed on his mother. "I feel no hunger, Mom. I have a question for you."

His mother's expression turned serious. "Yes, darling, I'm all ears."

Lutra's voice was laced with curiosity. "Would I be killed or feared when the Council finds out about me?"

His mother's eyes locked onto his, her grip on his hands tightening. "No, darling. Riverdellas are our family. We stick together no matter what and support each other. Never think about being harmed. But remember, no matter what happens, don't mention to anyone what you are. You're a vampire, and only I know. Got it?"

Lutra nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yes, Mom."

His mother smiled back, releasing his hands. "That's my boy. Now, eat your breakfast before your father gets angry."

Meanwhile, at the Council chambers, hushed voices filled the room as the leaders discussed the fate of the supernatural creatures brought to Riverdale.

Seventh Chancellor Arik spoke, "This is the future of our children, Lionel. We must test them before joining others." He gestured to the kneeling wolves in the middle of the room.

Second Chancellor John stood, his voice filled with conviction. "I know we all want to help our people, but if we didn't, who would? These people are being hunted by Ultras, who killed half of their pack. They need our help. Please, my leaders, consider this."

The room erupted into a cacophony of whispers, with some leaders nodding in agreement while others expressed their reservations.

Finally, the Chancellors spoke in unison, "We have considered your request, Chancellor John, but we warned you of the outcome...if they break any rules in Riverdale, the punishment shall be by execution. No one sees Riverdale and leaves alive." Their gazes fell upon the wolves.

The wolves, in unison, replied, "We agree, our Chancellors."

The Chancellors responded, "You shall be led to your new home."

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© meena's inspirational books