

Ch 11- Free

Jane: I was really sad when I heard of Sam’s death by a car accident.

I turned my eyes towards her and furrowed my eyebrows.

Chris: Car accident? The police informed me that he died by someone strangling him and the murderer threw his body inside a lake behind my house.

She froze.

Chris: You know what? You’re a terrible liar.

Jane: What do you mean? Do you perhaps suspect me for his murder?

I raised my eyebrows.

Chris: I never said that.

She stood up with rage.

Jane: What’s gotten into you?!

Chris: It’s funny, isn’t it? You can be smart enough to make me a patient of Schizophrenia and make me hallucinate….but you can’t even come up with excuses which sound convincing at least?

Jane: That girl brainwashed you, didn’t she? I told you she’s crazy!

Chris: It was you who blew your cover. I was just guessing. Sam told me he never went on any trip. I also got information from the police that Sam didn’t even have a passport and he never told anyone my address.

“You don’t know anything about me so I suggest you to shut up before you seriously get hurt, Chris.”

But I didn’t listen to her and loaded her with questions.

Chris: How would you know that my car sank and why would a co-worker call you Ms.Valentine? Why would you be late that day when you just had to ‘pick up’ a mere package and that too at your ‘doorstep’. You never were and you’ll never be Jane.

“Very well. You finally got it all. I did somehow managed to make you believe that I was Jane since college. But I didn’t know that she would get you influenced so quickly.”

I got up.

Chris: Who are you and what do you want? Why did you do all this?

She grinned from ear to ear. Her lips twitched as she stood in a strange angle.

“I am someone, who feeds on pain and despair. There are many who thank me. But few are foolish like you who let go the chance of achieving something others can never imagine.”

Chris: You are nothing except insane.

“But there is no light without the dark.”

Chris: True. But it’s our choices that make us a good human being or simply…someone like you. Turns out, you were right at some point. Nowadays, there really are a lot of lunatics in Brooklyn. I just didn’t know that you topped them. And one more thing, I never killed my mother. It was someone like you who killed her and for what? Jealousy, envy or simply…some sicko. That’s what you said, right?

For a moment, she looked at me with rage but then her evil smirk returned back and before I could do anything, she started to vanish slowly into grey smoke.

I just walked get out of this place. When I got out of her cabin a frail looking man asked me-

“Is Ms. Valentine inside?”

Chris: She’s gone now. Forever.

And I went out saying that, leaving him perplexed.

Now I just had to find Jane. And the real one this time. When I walked out of the two-story building, surprisingly I found her standing beside my car. She smiled as she saw me.

Jane: I only noticed now that your new car is awesome. Want a good deal?

I chuckled with my hands on my waist and walked towards her.

Chris: No way.

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