

simulation outbreak (part two)
i was going out for a walkwhen something caught my eye. A shine in the shadows a gilmmer or golden dust. Something told to follow it and with one step i began, the shine had led me to a run down building. So many things were going through my head but the biggest one was should i ... should i go through. I steped in without thinking then i took another and another i keped going intil i was at a stair case it was old and was ready to fall. I started walking away out of the building cause i remender i sign out side when it happened again the gilmmer but this time it was above me. I slowly walked back to the stair case and i dont remeber much but i had some how ended up stair when i had seen it. It no thats not it he when i had seen him in a chamberthat was glowing all the sudden my heart started to race i thought OMG he needs help but then i thought what if he's there for a reasion.then i blacked out and when i woke up he was stairing at me with a warm smile. Then it came to me he was out of the chamber.