

The story title is unknown!!
When You think of something to start, it's a very impossible task to push on by inch.
'Yey dude let's take some to think on it.'
'Maybe we need much more time to... you know... think,'
'Yaar I don't know where to start, and when to start, and I even don't know how to start?!!? '
'Literally, I don't have time to think on it
Most of us came across these things, and all of our problems are the same.
We felt that "Thinking" is the most horrible hindrance that stops us eventually.
Is It a problem or it's a thing that we say to ourselves to just escape from that chaos?
The answer does not depend on our choice of comfort zone.
It depends on your situation where you resided!!
"But nothing will stand against our willpower!!"

Yes... but it's the fact that builds, and its lie that ruins at the same time.

If the situation wanted you to bury your deep, then your willpower is inadequate to stand in front of it.

If the situation wanted to lift you, then the Deadliest opponent will give you the support to move on.

Some stories don't need any logic, they need emotion, and some stories rely on cause and effect. But all aspects are situational only.

Our Problems are always finite...
But only the situations are infinite...

No one is afraid of problems...
We are afraid only of the situations that mingled with the problem.
© Sk Writings