

When love dies (Chapter 6)
When I wake up, I'm hurt all over I have a bruise on my cheek, Cut on my chest, more bruises on my legs, and a huge headache to top it off. I try to get up but the pain is harsh. When I look down nothing but worry comes back to my mind. That man is most likely upstairs and I have nothing to shield myself. I rub my head trying to think. Think of the questions, my solution, him... Im shivering and aching. I'm scared and hurt. What if he does it again? What if he does worse? I have to get out of here.

I can't walk much considering that I need water and I have bruises all over. So that whole day nothing happened, Untill he came downstairs. "Alright I have more questions." I layed myself down on the pole. "Wheres the back entrance key?"
"Lemmy has it, she puts it in the second drawer of her desk."
"Who has the main door keys?"
"The boss and the janitor."
"Where does the janitor keep there keys?"
"I...I don't know. Maybe in the back closet."
"I don't want maybe's, where is it!?!"
"I don't know." I started shaking. He lit a cigarette. We sat there for a few seconds when he came real close to me. "I'm gonna ask you one last time, where is the janitor's key." I started to cry. "I don't know, they don't tell us."

He got this mad look on his face. Then he put his cigarette out on my neck. I scream in pain. "Shut up!" He grabbed me by the neck and held me up. Then like a miracle I heard someone open the basement door. And things got red really red.
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