

Reincarnation (Chapter 8)
"Ying… Jun?" I called out, not seeing anyone laying on the bed with me.

Suddenly a strong aroma of heavenly food hit me.

"Food?!!" I exclaimed happily, sitting straight up from bed immediately to find the source of where it came from.

I came into one room where there were dining tables filled with plates of food, I took as a sign for me to eat as I sat down on the chair and began digging in.

With the bowl of rice and chopsticks that were left on the table, I began to stuff the food into my mouth.

"Mmm~ This is delicious~" I sighed out in satisfaction and rubbed my belly, there were still some rice left over since I decided that I should eat the dishes more than the rice.

"H-hey! That was my food! If you want any, go and order your own!" Ying Jun came out from the doorway with another extra plate of food, "I waited for 15 minutes for this!" He stated angrily.

"Ehh… Your turn to eat then." I shrugged it off as he came nearer to place the extra dish down, "Y-" He opened his mouth but before a single word came out.

I stuffed his mouth with the rice that were in my bowl using my chopsticks…

Well his since he took it out for himself.

"Just eat, I already had my fill." I explained, handing him over the bowl and chopsticks as I head over to the balcony for the cool wind.

~Host… I think you went to overboard…~

~You didn't went back home… For a day!~

~Ya don't think?~

"We… Well *I* gotta leave Ying Jun! You're free from my command unless otherwise." I exclaimed scrambling to get out of this place.

"Wait!" He cut in short, standing in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked frustratedly, "You… You have to take responsibility for what you did to me." He stopped in front of me and said with the straightest face ever.

"Urgh, just… Take this." I groaned out, tossing my token with my surname carved into it.


~O-oh nothing I was laughing at something else, well I don't think so.~

"Gotta go!" I exclaimed, about to open the door when someone knocked on it.

I opened it widely and asked, "Ye-!? EHH!?" Before exclaiming loudly as the guard grabbed my wrist suddenly.

"You must be young miss Xiang Ting!" The guard exclaimed with a weary yet thankful expression.

"U-uhm… Yes?" I stutter out in response.

Observing their armor before I noticed one similar intricate pattern on it, some type of flower…?

"Please come with us, Young master Yang Jian is worried for you." He answered, "B-bring me to him!" I state.

Looking about nervously as they nodded bringing me away.

"Bye Ying Jun! See you… If we ever cross paths again…" I trailed off.


~Why? They seem pretty trust worthy to me.~


"Why are we heading down an alleyway? It's dark and scary." I acted, "Who brought us down this route!?" The weary guy from before exclaimed angrily.

"S-sorry… My bad." The guy in front stutter out an apology, "I thought it would be faster towards the residence since young master was frantic about finding her anyways." He explained, sweating slightly.

"Uh okay, I'm a bit scared though." I trailed off, giving off a nervous vibe.

Gripping onto the guys shirt, "It's okay young miss, we are master's capable guards." One answered before they fall back, walking behind me as I kept my guard up

There is only one person leading the way as I stuck towards the only trustable guard.

Suddenly the guard guy turned back with his sword drawn out to block attack as he guided me behind him, "Just what are you guys doing!" The commander exclaim angrily.

"Rebelling against the Jin army!? I'll kill you guys! Young miss stay behind me!" The commander roared out before commanding me to stay back.

"Y-young miss let me guide you to safety!" The leading guy exclaimed frantically, leading me away from that guard.

"W-wait." I called out frantically but he dragged me off.

"Hehehe…" He chuckled out evilly before I sighed, "Sorry missy but I have to kill you." He said once we were alone, "W-why?" I stammered tearfully.

"Because Young Madam offered a lot of money to get rid of you." He replied.

I tch'ed softly under my breath once more before keeping up my act since I sensed my brother's aura coming closer.

"P-please don't kill me!" I shrieked out fearfully, sensing my brother's aura spread out even further and tensed.

"Sorry missy but I gotta do it… Although… You look very appetising to me." I smirked licking his lips as he stalked towards me.

"D-don't come any closer." I cried out, closing my eyes shut before I heard a thud.

"AHHHHHHH!" I could hear him screaming out in anguish.

I was about to open my eyes when it was covered by someone's hand, "L-let go of me!" I exclaimed trying to struggle out of the person's grip weakly.

"It's me Ting'er." I heard an endearing tone before I froze, "B-brother Yang Jian?" I called out shakily with tears in my eyes.

"Shh… Don't cry." He removed his hands away from my eyes but I was facing his chest. He covered my ears and made my head lean against his chest as I 'sobbed' slightly.

~Your acting skills… Oh my gosh, it's so

"Let's go home okay?" He asked me as I looked up and stared into his eyes, "Mn." I nodded, sniffling slightly as I tried to contain my tears.

• • •

"Where did you go!? I was so worried!"

The moment we entered his room he set  me down on his bed and began asking me questions worriedly.

"Gege I was so bored in the mansion so I went out to play… I played till it was very late so I… I stayed at a hotel overnight." I trailed off like a guilty kid, averting my eyes.

"A hotel! That was a brothel!" He exclaimed, "What's a brothel?" I asked with the most innocent look ever.

"A brothel is-… Uh…" He stop his sentence half-way through as he stuttered.

"Anyways, it is somewhere not good okay!? Did anyone force you to sleep there?" He continued.

"No… They just said that there were rooms to sleep in so I booked one." I replied, "Was there anyone in the room!?" He asked me urgently.

"No…? Was there suppose to?" I asked, "No! Well that is good, _no one was in there with you…_" My brother reassured himself as he murmured the last part.

"But you shouldn't have went there especially since you are a lone girl!" He went back to lecturing me.

"But I look like a guy…" I trailed off, "Actually… On second thought you kind of do… But a feminine looking guy…" He said.

"Brother is that commander alive?" I asked, "What commander?" My brother asked.

"Uh… The one with a flower pattern on his armor… And he was fighting against the other guards." I explained, "Commander Li…? I didn't know he was there too." My brother murmured.

"Did you not pass by them when coming to get me?" I asked.

"Nope, I just went straight towards you immediately." My brother said with a straight face.

"Oh… But he tried protecting me… Maybe you should reward him brother." I said cheerfully with a smile.

"O-of course!" He stuttered slightly but exclaimed.

"Brother… I'm tired…" I whined slightly, "*Sigh* You silly girl, go and sleep than. Brother will go settle his stuff." He patted my head gently and gave me the softest smile I've ever seen.

~Host would be able to if your trust is high enough.~

>Ooh okay.>

• • •

"Yang Jian?" I heard a male voice call out cautiously as the doors leading to his room open slowly.

Me being a light sleeper sat up on his bed awake already.

~Y-you're actually asking me for help.~

~He is one of your brothers personal guard, they are good friends with each other to joke around like that.~

~You kind of look like him, your eyes, hair colour and facial structure is quite similar but your body structures are completely different.~

~What are you going to do now host?~

~... I'm worried.~

I covered my body with the blanket and kept on a straight face, adjusting my voice to sound like my brother as I waited for that person to come in nearer.

"Yang Jian, what should I do!?" He saw me laying on the bed staring at him as he exclaimed with a frantic look.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to mimic his voice to my best capabilities.

"Is your voice alright?" He asked, "I'm Fine." I croaked out as if I was sick.

"That's just like you to not admit your sickness." He sighed shaking his head.

"What do you want?" I asked him irritatedly, "O-oh yeah! The lady from the Gun family wants to marry me but I don't want to! What should I say to reject her?" He asked with a frantic look.

"Just reject her like always saying you like someone else." I replied, "W-wow… You actually gave me a legitimate reply…" He trailed off with a shocked look.

"Did you… Perhaps experience something?" He asked curiously as I gave him a deadpan.

"Shut up." I simply say, "Alright keep your secrets to yourself." He chuckled, with his hands raised up.

~But your acting skills are great host, it's hard to tell.~

"Anyways, want to go to the brothel-" He suggested only to get cut off, "Who's going to the brothel with you?" My brother asked as he entered the room.

The guy staring at me shocked, not expecting to hear and see two of my brother.

My brother saw who he was talking to and shot a glare at him, "You are *not* taking her to a brothel!" He exclaimed angrily.

"H-her?" He stuttered looking at me and my brother, "Y-yang Jian why are there two of you?" He stuttered before grabbing my shoulders and shaking it.

My brother immediately smacked his hands off as I tried not to puke at how hard he was shaking, "Don't touch her!" I heard my brother growl.

"H-her? B-but I thought you were Yang Jian." He looked at me with a betrayed expression.

"Hehe~ I was only acting~ Who knew you would actually fall for it~" I giggled at his dumbfounded expression.

"What happened?" My brother asked with a frown before I explained it, "He came in calling your name so I pretended to be you brother." I giggled out.

"…You're dumb for not realising that." Was what my brother said to his friend, "But I-" He tried to say something but was cut off again.

"We'll talk outside… Let my sister have her rest." He said pointing outside, "Brother I want to come to, I'm not tired anymore." I whined clinging onto his arm.

"… Alright." He looked down at me before nodding. "S-sister? B-brother?" He turned to look at the both of us with a confused expression.

"Yep~ He's my brother." I stood up from the bed and clung onto my brother as he stood still and let me do as I please.

"Y-you actually allowed someone to touch you…" He trailed off, "Brother is he alright?" I asked seeing his friends dazed look.

"Let's leave this idio- Not so intellectual animal alone." My brother said, "Uh… Is he not a human?" I asked as we walked out of the room.

"Every other guy except for me is a filthy animal." He told me with a serious look.

"Mn okay~" I agreed with his words and placed my head on his arm while walking.
© Naruko