

Talk back to the moon ~ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ ellow!

So... This is chαptєr 8 of the story, if you didn't read chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, yet I advice you to read it before you read this one,
For it will help you get caught up on what's happen

𝔸𝕃𝕊𝕆... ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅ!
I am adding "PoV" also known as point of views

So if I say something like
>Daniel's PoV<
It means that the person speaking is Daniel

Any way I hope You like it!!!


I got home from the beach house at 4:38am...
And decided to get more sleep...

For what felt like seconds,
My alarm went off, my eyes started to flutter awake...
My dad entered the room "hurry up and get ready! The photographer will be here in an hour" he says and closed my door,
Ugh! I hate modeling!!! Well... Not really, I'm just too lazy to do it.

Time check!!!
I then got a notification, it was a text from Zach, I instantly blushed and found a huge smile across my face.

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Hey!!! You awake princess?!?!
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Heyyy wake up!!!

Me: I'm awake!!!
Me: also why are you calling me princess?

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: good morning Abi!!! Also I taught that name just suits you😏

I felt my face blush so hardddd
A dark tint of pink was all over my face, I want him so much!
But we're not even together...
I remember the kiss from last night...

Me: you wanna talk about that kiss?
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: do I have to?😅
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: okay... Abi, I have feelings for you...
If you didn't like it I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself...

Me: no, I liked it😏
Me: anyway I have to go,
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: whattt? Why?
Me:I have modeling...
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: where are you going I'll go...
Me: I think we're going to this Cafe, *random cafe address*
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: K!!! See you there😉
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: bye princess!!!
Me: Bye Zachy!

I smashed myself into my soft mattress...
This boy has be hooked!
I then got ready, I just put on a big lighy pink hoodie with shorts,
I put my hair into a high ponytail and had a chocker on my neck, and put on some glasses...

I went downstairs and ate an apple, them my mom made me ate some French toast...
The photographer was then here...

And we went to the Cafe,

I didn't see Zach... When they were setting up, someone came from behind me and covered my eyes...
"guess who it is?" the person said, I instantly recognized the voice, his beautiful Deep voice...
"Zach?" I said and put his hands on my waist instead of my eyes...
"how'd you know it was me?" he said putting his head on my shoulder, "reasons" I said smirking a little, I saw my dad looking at us, no expression in his eyes, I remember him not liking me dating someone else except for Daniel...

A frown then was set on my face...
"Are you sad princess?" Zach said also frowning...
"No, I'm okay," he then had a soft smile on his face... "You know, I REALLY like you.." he then said, "I like you too..." I replied...
He then put some hair over my ear... "I can't wait to make you mine" he says...

Butterflies escaped my stomach, My face now a tint of pink...
"what's stopping you?" I said, "I wanna make it special" he then whispers in my ear...
My face now a darker shade of pink,
"besides I think its just too early..." he then says hugging me tighter...
The make up artist was holding a white one piece jump suit with no sleeves, and a hat,
"I'm gonna get ready now okay?" I said, "okay..." he says pecking my cheek then letting go of me...

He then went inside the cafe
As I went over to a chair...
My hair stylist/make up artist's Ashley, she likes to gossip...ALOT
She likes, knows atleast most the things about my lovelife and stuff...

"So who's the guy?" she says raising her eyebrows up and down, while doing my hair, "that's Zach" I replied,

"you like her?"
"hmmm maybe..." I said,
Great! She now has that stupid as* smirk on her face!
I opened my messenges to see Zach,

Me: Zachhhh save me!!!
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: what's wrong😂?
Me: they're torturing me!!!
Me: why are you laughing?
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: your attitude is so cute Lol!

I smiled at our chat:>

"That him?" Ashley asks me... "uugh, no!" I said lieing...

Me: can we hang out after this?
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: that was literally my plan!😂
Me: okayyy bye Zachy!
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: bye princess❤️

"princess?!?!" Ashley shouted, every body now looking at us,
"...Pri-princess! You look like a damn princess!" she then continued trying to act natural...
Every body then looked away...
"Wtf?" I said to Ashley
"OMgoood!!! She called you princess!!!" she then says

"you looked at our conversation?!?!" I then say to her kind of annoyed,
"okay, okay, I'm sorry!"
I looked at the mirror...
"but it WAS kind of cute" she says winking to me...

I was sitting in a chair outside in the grass with my legs crossed, and in my hand a mini cup of coffee, I was waring a tube with a onepiece square pants... (if I'm saying it right)

My hair curled that it turned short...
All eyes was on me, costumers from the Cafe murmuring that I looked stunning...

Zach went outside, and smirked, WHY?
After the photoshoot ppl came to me and asked for pictures...
So I gave them selfies...

Zach then hugged me from the back, "I never want to let you go" he whispered in my ear...
Then there's me: a fvking Blushing mess...

My dad then came up to us,
Zach then let me go and held my hand instead, he smiled at my Dad, "hello Mr. Rica!" he says, OMG! He's so cute😂

"Hello mr.-"
"Herron, Zach Herron"
So his last name is Herron huh?
They then shook hands...
"Are yoi dating my daughter?" Dad asked
"Ugh.." he looked at me, and I looked back
"actually I was just going to take her out," he replied...
I blushed so fvking hardddd

"oh, well have fun okay?"
My Dad replied,
"Oh and, I believe I'll be seeing you more often, Mr.... Herron..." he said,

Zach smiled, and pushed me out of there...
"was I nervous or what?!?!" he says and I laughed...
"So, where are we going for our DATE? " I said emphasizing the word 'date'

"we're just going to a movie..." he says as we got in to the Cinema...
He picked a scary movie and once we got in, he picked the seat at the VERY back of the room...
He sat there and I sat on his lap... "Why'de you pick this one?" I asked
"It's kind of boring to be honest..." I said...
"Uhm... I kinda picked it so I can cuddle with you" he says now wrapping his arms in my waist.
I taught it was kind of cute, so I put my Arms around his neck and also put my Head in his neck...
It felt so warm knowing that the room was soo cold...

I had a HUGE smile on my face, I will always have this when I'm with him, that kiss last night; I felt a spark... A spark wayyy bigger than what I felt in Daniel...
I knew I wanted to be with him,
He saw me smiling through out the movie,
"Abi?" he said,
"yes?" I replied,
He looked at my lips which was a wide smile...
"I promise to keep that smile on your face, I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you this way... To keep you happy."he says, I then felt his lips once again on mine, but I pulled back knowing we were in the Cinemas...
I kissed his cheek,"I love you" I whispered through his ear,
"do you mean that?" he asks looking at me,
"Yes, Yes I mean that. Zach I wanna spend all my time with you. I never wanna leave you." I said, just telling how I felt right now...
I felt Zach tighten his grip in my waist,
And cuddled with me all trough the movie with a huge smile on his face.

*skip time to later that day*


It was night time, my day with Zach felt sooo good, I never wanted it to end, after I brushed mt teeth and put on my pajamas, I felt my phone buzzed it was a notification from Zach

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Princess? You still awake?
Me: I can't sleep :)
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: is it because of your day with me? 😏
Me: not everything is about you Zach!

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: I miss you :(
Me: I miss you too. You wanna go on another date tomorrow?😉
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: YeS!!!

2 minutes later

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Princess...
Me: Yeah?
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: I want you to know something...
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: I promise something, I promise to protect you with all my heart and all I can.
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: I won't let anyone hurt you... And if they do, no matter who they are, they're dead :)
Me: I love you Zachary❤️
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: I love you too, ABIGAIL RICA!
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: sweet dreams Princess...

Ellow ・ω・/
So... THAT was loooong😅
Can't wait for chapter 9😉

I wonder how many chapters does it takes for this chapter to end :)

Eniwayyyy hope you enjoyed the story Ahluyallll!!!
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