

"Mommy, can I go outside to play with Ash?" Angel said.

"Yeah, baby. Stay in the front yard" Mom said.

Angel was only 10 at the time and she had a best friend called Ashely but she always called herAshh. After playing outside with her best friend for a good hour her mother called her in to eat. When she got inside she had some news to tell her about her friend Ash. Ash and Angell's mom were neighbors and were always cooing and talking here and there.

"Hey angel come here  baby, Mom said

Yes", the angel said

"Baby I have to tell you that Ash will be moving away. I know we've been neighbors since you guys were one, but it was time for them to move to another place"Momm said

"But mom Ash is my only friend" As tears started rolling down her face all a mother could do was hold her baby right ??

Angel is 18 now about to graduate from high school. Was going to become a nurse. She started dating this guy Gregwhene they were 16. So they've been together for two years.

"Hey baby," said Angel

"What's sup. You look good today. What you dressed all up for?" Greg said.

As many didn't know he was very controlling over Angel since they've been together but Angel never showed it. And never wanted to embarrass herself.

"I just wanted to look good for you Angell said

Greg ain't say anything just walked off and she followed. As they got in the car he smacked tf outta her.

"Fuck you got that on for idgaf about none of that?" Greg said

" I tried to look good in your shirt she said

"I'm sorry" is all angel said.

Angel kept what Greg was doing to her from her family. She didn't want anything bad to happen to Greg use she loved him more than herself. they left and went.

Greg parked the car and told her to "let's go".

Chris was already 20 so he was already out of school. He had his own but wanted Angel to move in with him when she was done with school.

"Come here," said Greg.

"Look I'm sorry for hitting you, but this shit you got on ain't it. Make sure you cover every fucking thing up when we go out"

All Angel did was walk away. She was waiting for her brother to come get her from his house. But she still wouldn't tell anybody about the abuse she was getting from Greg.

"my brother here, I gotta g,o" said Angel.

"Iight by,e," said Greg.

"I love you too", said Angel

and Greg just looks at her. He loved her but he wasn't for saying that shit. As soon as Angel had left Greg called one of his hoes over. Angel got in the car and her brother asked

"what's up with you?"

Shawn said. "oh nothing I'm just tired," said Angel.

As they pulled into their mother's big house she was just ready to go to bed. Her parents were stable and had a 5-bedroom house. Her parents' house was always open for the kids came come back home if things got rough. Angel walked into the house and went upstairs to her room not saying anything, cause of what she and Greg had just gone threw. She wanted to leave him but she felt trapped cause she loved him....

Part 2

4 months later........
Angel graduated and her parents let her move in with Greg. Things were still rocky. Chris stayed putting his hands on the angel

"Good morning love," said Angel.

Greg was already up getting ready to leave. "You going somewhere?" Angel said.

"Yeah I gotta handle something," Greg said.

Greg was in the streets so whatever he had going on he never told Angel.

"Okay," Angel said.

"Yeah ain't no telling when I'll be back so order out or go to your parents and we need to talk when I get back," said Chris.

"Okay," said Angel.

Angel started working at McDonald's full-time. But it was money for her plus she ain't want to go to college. She had her CNA classes coming up here in two weeks.

"I have to work today anyways, so I'll be home later," said Angel.

"I'll be up there to check in," said Greg. Greg left and Angel got ready for work.

"Hey girl," Angel said.

"Heeey bitch" said Eunik.

Eunik has been her friend since middle school they hang out when they can.

"Girl I'm tired for real," said Angel.

"What's wrong girl" Eunik said.

"Nothing"... "I mean I love him but I'm ready to move on. I've been dealing with him for almost three years. He has been abusive to me for 2 years"

little did everyone knows he was still beating her ass every chance he gets.

"Listen when you ready, come to my house okay," said Eunik.

After work, Angel went home. walking in she saw a chick just sitting on her couch.

"And you are?" Said, Angel

"Oh, I'm..." Greg cut her off.

"This my cousin and she gone stay here until she can find her a place" "WHAT?" said Angel.

"not once did we talk about this and second since when did you have cousins?"

The last angel knew he never talked to his people. So she didn't know one of his family members. Even though they've been together for two almost 3 years.

"Look don't be question me on wtf I got going on Like I said she staying and you went deal with it," Greg said.

Angel ain't say nothing else, cause she differently didn't wanna fight with him anymore she was just ready to go and start over. The next day morning Greg's cousin was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning," said Tiffany.

"Morning, so how you kin to Greg?"

Angel got right to it. Something just didn't feel right about this situation and she knew off back.

"We kin on his momma's side. I recently moved down here and I got in contact with the cousin I knew and it was him" Tiffany said.

Angel didn't say anything after that, cause she knew something was off.

"Who cooked this shit smells good," Greg said.

"Me," Tiff said.

"I'ma head out," Angel said.

"where are you going?" Greg responded.

"I gotta go to my mom's," Angel said.


After Angel left Tiff walked up to Greg rubbing his body "So how long we gotta deal with her? I ain't come here to play your cousin." Tiff said.

"Man look you here, 'cause I want you here. So while she here you went play my cousin until I'm ready to be done with her" Greg said.

Greg picked Tiff up "Give me a kiss," Greg said

. As they started kissing Greg started walking towards his room. That night Angel came back home Tiff was sitting in the living room watching TV.

"What's up?" Tiff said

Angel ain't say nothin' just walked on pass to Greg room. He wasn't even there. Angel picked up her phone and called Greg. But his phone went straight to voicemail. Later that night Greg walked into the house angry, cause his sales weren't giving. He walked into where Angel was sleeping and slapped her.

"Why you slap me for?" Said Angel.

"Bitch shut up," Greg said

punching Angel in the mouth. Angel never knew why he always came home angry with her when she had never done anything.

"Greg stop please," Angel said.

Greg continued to do what he wanted which was beat Angel. After a good 30 minutes, Greg let up. He went to the bathroom and showered. Angel sits up against the wall with her head on her knees crying.
Greg came out of the shower looking at Angel. He didn't care at all he just got in the bed a fell asleep.

The next day Angel got up and put makeup on the spots where it showed Greg hitting her. She was mad at herself for having him do that to her. Angel left out not saying anything to either of them and made it to work. She got to thinking about this girl who randomly popped up.

"You good?" Said unit

. "Nah something just doesn't seem right about this girl who just popped tf up claiming she's Greg's cousin," Angel said.

"Girl what?" Eunik replied looking confused.

"I thought he doesn't fuck with his family like that?" Eunik said.

"That's what I said" the angel replied.

Instead of working a double, they let her off early at 6 p.m. As Angel pulled up to her and Greg's crib his car was still there. Usually, he's gone around this time. As Angel Walks in she doesn't see Greg or Tiff. Walking past the living room she can hear moaning coming from her and Greg's room. As she opens the door she sees Tiff on top of Greg.

"Bitch you got me FUCKED up," Angel said

grabbing Tiff off of Greg and dragging her off the bed.

"Man wtf angel" Greg said.

"Get your girl Greg tf," Tiff said.

"fuck that bitch you mine, y'all bitches think y'all can fool me," Angel said.

Greg put his boxers on grabbing angel

"Man let her go," Greg said.

"nah fucked that you fucking this bitch, claiming she's your cousin?"

"Fuck both y'all we did when I'm finished with this bitch".

Angel was still rocking her shit even though Greg was trying to break it up. He never knew Angel was as strong as she was.

"Ah ah Greg gets her off of me," Tiff said.

Finally, Greg could break them up. Greg holding the angel telling her to calm down.

"Yeah, im FUCKING MY MAN bitch. He's minds. I moved here for him bitch. We've been fucking for a while hoe. I've been waiting for you to leave" Tiff said.

Which took Angel by shock. She was able to get away from Greg and punched Tiff right in the eye.

" Bitch you can have him and his abusive ass"

Angel was grabbing her shit ready to leave and Greg grabbed her throwing her onto the bed.

"bitch you ain't going nowhere. I'm abusive? He asked punching Angel in the face. Angel tried to get up but he punched her again.

"get down," Greg said.

"I'm abusive?" He said again. He begins to punch, kick, and drag her to the living room.

"Greg stop I'm bleeding," Angel said.

"bitch Idgaf. Do you think you are going to leave me? You mine until I'm ready for you to go " Greg begins to choke her.

" Okay Greg that's enough," said Tiff.

"bitch shut up and grab our shit" while he still choking Angel. Angel begins to lose consciousness. After Greg saw Angel was out he knew he fucked up. Angel had a busted lip and, a black eye, their head was busted open and her nose was broken.

"Let's go," Greg said.

2 hours have passed and Angel begins to have some type of consciousness.

"Ouch," said Angel.

She barely could move going in and out. She notices Greg trying to make it seem like a robbery. Everything was broken from the mirrors on the wall to the TV being smashed as well and the phones broken including minds. Greg stays in an apartment complex. On the top floor. Nobody could hear Greg and Angel fight because the walls were very thick. Angel manages to make it to the door. Crawling and feeling so much pain. She's crying out for help. As she opened the door and tried to yell she noticed she couldn't. She begins to lose consciousness again. A neighbor just so happens to walk up the stairs seeing an angel on the floor.

" Omg on hold ma'am," the neighbor said.

" 911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes, there is a lady that is badly beaten. Please can you send someone out "

after hanging up the neighbor stayed right by Angel's side until the ambulance came.

© Myesha O