

After the End of the World
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Should I turn back and chance running into whom ever or whatever was following me or should I find a place to hide?
No time to think just act and act I did. I decided to confront my pursuer and so I looked for a weapon. Something to protect myself. A pipe was all I could come up with in short order and I thought it would suffice. I was dead wrong. I crouched down behind an old tattered bed to give me the element of surprise. As I waited I could hear the footsteps approaching but as they did they seemed to become heavier and heavier until they no longer resembled footsteps. Instead they sounded more like a sledge hammer pounding on pavement, and then echoing through a vast cathedral. There it was and it was no person. The hulking beheamoth of a monster came around the corner filling the corridor almost completely having to crouch due to it's height. It was humanoid in shape but it's immense hands had claws looking more like knives than fingertips. It's legs looked as trees trunks and it's face. Oh God it's face. I wish I hadn't looked. It had beady red glowing eyes and sharp fangs and looked to have a head Kanine in appearance yet pieces of it's skull shown through it's rotting skin.
Should I use the element of surprise like a had earlier planned? Should I wait for it to look in one of the other rooms and run passed? A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead. It sniffed the air and looked right at the bed I was behind. Oh shit! It knows where I am. I thought to myself. Then it turned and entered the room behind it. Then a loud cracking of wood and tile then a crash and an ear splitting howl. Now was my chance I ran back the way I came and I glimpsed the monster half in the floor half out. I stopped and we locked eyes. It's eyes no longer seemed to glow they looked more human now and they pleaded for help. It was scared and needed help and now I had a decision to make. "You got yourself into a pickle there big guy." I said in a somewhat smart ass tone. It growled low and narrowed it's eyes. Then it spoke. "I might not have if you hadn't run." It's voice sounded like ground glass and shrapnal churning in a huge metal drum deep and forboding. "Why does everyone run, can you please give me a hand here I can feel nothing beneath me and I don't want to fall I hate hieghts." So I reached out for his claws which were suprisingly soft and he was gentle. I pulled with all my might and he came free. I had no indication that he wouldn't get free and demolish my very existence, but I had to go on faith ya know.? He's lucky I did too because there is a bottomless pit that I'm guessing winds it way straight to hell under that section of the hospital that my flashlight in no way came close to seeing anything but the huge boulder jutting out of the side of the pit wall about two hundred feet down that and the tiny pin prick of light that was obviously miles away from my perspective. Well, that and the emmence heat and smoke that billowed out of the hole in the hospital floor. So did he try killing me after I helped him? Which with his size and supernatural nature I'm sure he could erase my very soul from this and every other reality in the multiverse, but no. As it turns out even as scary , mean , and menacing as he looks Eric was a really nice guy with a hell of a curse placed upon him by a very powerful Witch. I didn't pry as to how or why he pissed off the Witch but I'm sure he would have told me for the asking. We sat and ate and conversed and after a few hours went by it struck me. Beck's should have been back by now. Yup it's me Allen again. So who of you reading this guessed that and at which part of the story so far. So Rebecca was on a scouting mission to go a couple miles ahead and see if the lair of any of those giant fucks was anywhere near where we were. We were already two days from those walls around town that made us feel so safe until the happenings a week or so ago when we killed that one. We had to go look for her but the sun had long set and the night fawna since the end of the old world is a lot less helpless and a lot more agressive too. Even the night flora can be dangerous. Well so can the day flora and fawna but night time is when the real nasty ones come out. Fuck it though Beck's could be in trouble and I wasn't about to leave her out there alone even if she was the badest bitch in the new world, and I do mean that. I'm no slouch when it comes to a fight as you well know but I'll admit that during our relationship she handed me my ass more than once. Have I already told you guys about that? Anyway focus Allen back to the story. Oh yeah and I occasionally talk about myself in third person. Concieted I know but that's just me. I'm a sexy bitch what can I say. "We have to find Beck's !" I almost yell at my new friend suddenly causing him to jump half out of his skin and flip backwards out of his rather large seat and onto his head. Which elicited a chuckle from both of us. "Who?" Eric groans as he slowly picked himself off the ground still chewing a mouth full of meat. "My partner Rebecca. She should have been back by now. She went to scout a couple miles ahead right before we ran into each other." Suddenly his eyes narrowed as the started to glow the fur between his shoulder blades stood on end and he sniffed the air as he grabbed his mace. Which by the way is almost as big as me if that helps you picture his size and he wields this thing one handed . I mean this thing has to wiegh twice what I do the head on it is pure spiky metal and the size of a Volkwagen Golf. Well almost that big . "Someone approaches." he whispers in a still very gravelly low tone. " Female and another smell I don't recognize is either with her or following her. It's otherworldly or supernatural in nature that much I can tell but nothing I've ever encountered it has a smell like burning ozone." No sooner did he finish speaking. " Put down the mace or you'll be cat food before you turn around." Eric replies with. " I'd love to see that let's make a wager shall we." Should I interject or see how this goes? Okay shit you guys are no fun. "Wait wait it's Becks." I say aloud "You okay Allen, you know this thing?" "Well we just met but I'm getting to know him he's cool, Eric, Beck's , Becks, Eric." I say making introductions " I hate it when you call me that. " Rebecca said spitting venom with her words. " I know but I love it." I retort sarcastically. " And who's your company? " Eric asks as he turns to face her. " What? " Rebecca says confused as we hear a crash like lightning very close. Oh well I love leaving you hanging but I'll have to tell you what happened in the next entry. Until next time this is Allen signing off.